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  1. La grue monte!! Photo pris aujourd’hui
  2. I hope it’s the 4 story brick building on the corner of St-Alexandre. It’s looking more and more out of place in the area.
  3. Second crane going up today (Aug 28)
  4. Photo taken a few days ago. The crane has now been removed from the building.
  5. October 28. All those beautiful old trees are gone. Such a shame
  6. October 20. The wall is coming down!
  7. They started cladding the bridge, but it’s the same panels as the rest of the tower. I was really looking forward to the white windows. I wonder what happened.
  8. Nope! I took them at around 5:10 pm today
  9. I think this one can be moved to under construction
  10. Some development today: several of the trees along de la Gauchetière were cut down. Their website also lists the start of construction as summer 2019, so I’m thinking after the construction holiday this one will start up.
  11. On the scaffolding at the base, they're advertising that it'll be finished in May. With a schedule that aggressive I have to anticipate the worst case scenario.
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