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Messages posté(e)s par peekay

  1. A 50 story tower would have stuck out like a sore thumb. No thanks.


    I don't think so. It would've generated competition and we are talking about a residential tower which would be lower than a 50 story office tower. Phase 1 isn't even completed and they started phase 2 sales already. This amounts to greed and no passion for this city. That is what drove them to build two towers instead of one. Absolutely bland and pathetic in my book.

  2. Désolé, c'est ton commentaire qui est ridicule. Tu devrais savoir que partout il y a des règlements municipaux à respecter en fonction d'un plan d'urbanisme approuvé par les élus et en accord avec la communauté locale. De plus un immeuble de 50 étages ne répond pas toujours aux besoins du marché et représente un risque supplémentaire pour un investisseur.


    Premièrement, tout le monde a le droit à leur opinion, sans avoir à subi tes commentaires.

    Deux, ce n'est pas vrai ce que tu dis. Il est évident que le marché à i-d-s peut FACILEMENT supporter plusieurs immeubles à 50+ étages. Un exemple parfait est le evolo phase 1 et 2. Le promoteur n'a pas plus de risque car il peut facilement échelonner ses prix sur 50/60 étages au lieu de 30. Aussi, les règlements municipale peuvent être débatté et changé. C’est pour ca que je réitère mon point que il y a aucune promoteur d'ici qui as des couilles ni la volonté de bâtir quelque chose de spectaculaire dans cette ville.



    1 Vienna Austria

    2 Zurich Switzerland

    3 Auckland New Zealand

    4 Munich Germany

    5 Düsseldorf Germany

    5 Vancouver Canada

    7 Frankfurt Germany

    8 Geneva Switzerland

    9 Bern Switzerland

    9 Copenhagen Denmark

    11 Sydney Australia

    12 Amsterdam Netherlands

    13 Wellington New Zealand

    14 Ottawa Canada

    15 Toronto Canada

    16 Hamburg Germany

    17 Berlin Germany

    18 Melbourne Australia

    19 Luxembourg Luxembourg

    20 Stockholm Sweden

    21 Perth Australia

    22 Brussels Belgium

    22 Montreal Canada

  4. Ouch, donc la hauteur finale n'Est pas décidée. Si ils attendent de voir ce que le marché pourrait accomoder, disons que je ne suis pas trop optimiste. Le Marché commence déjà à ralentir... J'espère que je n'aurai pas raison, mais j'ai un feeling que cette tour n'aura pas 197 mètres.


    Malheureusement je partage la même opinion. J'ai l'impression qu’il sera une autre gaffe architecturale à la Crystal. Je préfère attendre un autre 20 ans que de voir un 30 étage la bas! Honte!

  5. I don't think the building looks too bad. It's just that it's a little stumpy. Like mtlrdp said, if they would have added 10 floors, it would have looked great.


    Exactly! They should've built it at least 15 stories taller, but they didn't and now we have to live with this horror of a building. A lot of people always talk about buildings being in harmony with the surrounding architecture, well this has got be be the worst example in my opinion. Horrible! It is surronded by the tallest buildings in the city! Its shortcomings will further be amplified by the current and potential building boom in the city!


    :drool: <-- barf not drool

  6. The point is, if there's a compelling reason to make money in Quebec, even people from Toronto will invest here. Instead of whining and bitching and being paranoid about ROC trying to assimilate us into a backwater colony, why don't we be pro-active and try to compete? Heck, even the ubisoft CEO is saying that there isn't great talent left in Montreal vs. Toronto - and he's French.


    I'm pretty sure he was referring to the talent pool. There is a shortage of people in the gaming industry. Please clarify your quote because I don't believe for a second he meant what you think he said. Speaking of Ubisoft, I started playing their latest game (Assassin's creed) and it was almost entirely programmed in Montreal.


    Quebec companies can hire the best people from all over the world but if you are put in a position of authority, I find it disrespectful if you don't try to improve your knowledge of the language majority. Do you find it fair that middle-class workers not understand the language of their better-paid superiors? Imagine what that does for your morale?


    On a personal note, I find it completly unacceptable for a under 30 year old montreal-born person not be able to function in both english and french. There is no excuse in my book.

  7. Fuck you Loblaws. I hate that corporation so much for so many reasons. The number one reason is their 5 cent charge for grocery bags. They started that shit and it spread to every other supermarket like a cancer. They have as much respect for the environment as they do for the french at Provigo. ZERO.

  8. Un contrat de 650 millions c'est quelque chose d'assez important à mon avis mais la question que je me pose c'est quels sont les retombées, pour Montréal, par exemple ? Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui a une idée de ce que peut vouloir dire ce genre de contrat à l'extérieur pour une compagnie basé à Montréal ?


    Ce genre de nouvelle fait uniquement plaisir aux actionnaires. Aucun autre avanatage pour la metropole.

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