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Messages posté(e)s par peekay

  1. I received this email from a supposed employee of major league baseball about my youtube video.


    Her email:


    Pedro Martinez donates '04 WS Ring to Montreal clip

    I work for Major League Baseball and we are producing a show on the Expos. We were wondering where the clip of Pedro Martinez donating his 2004 World Series Ring to the city of Montreal exists in it's true form? Where did you find this clip? We want to acquire the raw footage if possible.


    Any help would be much appreciated.




    I replied that I would assist her if MLB brings back the expos. She agreed. OK the last part is not true:silly:


    Here is the clip she is referring to...


  2. Est-ce que c'est mon imagination ou est-ce que les vents on poussé la fumée par dessus la région encore une fois?


    Visibilité légèrement réduite et l'air sens bizarre. Pas aussi intense que l'autre fois.


    I smell it too...(old port)

  3. A friend of mine went to their sales office and was informed that it is now 75% sold. :)

    He was looking for a 4 1/2. One was selling for $720,000 on the 19th floor overlooking mount royal. The other was for $520,000 on the 22nd floor with a south east view. The condo fees are 0,42$ a square foot.


    An indoor parking spot is extra........$60,000!!!!! :eek::eek:

  4. La tour principale devait compter initialement 25 étages, mais à la lumière des recommandations de l'Office de consultation publique de Montréal, cela a été révisé à la baisse et la tour aura finalement 21 étages.


    Vue que c’est juste des recommandations, est-ce que c’est possible de ne pas tenir compte de leurs foutu recommandations de merde et aller devant avec 25 étages quand même???

  5. Non pedepy tu n'as rien compris (comment se fait-il que je ne sois pas surpris ?). En conférence de presse le maire Tremblay a bien précisé que tout nouveau projet qui sera accepté par la Ville ne pourra se faire que dans des édifices déjà existants.



    Au contraire !! Non seulement l'administration actuelle a-t-elle une vision mais elle a le courage de faire ce qu'il faut pour protéger le Mont-Royal.



    Mauvais exemple !! Drapeau est certainement le maire qui a fait le plus de mal à cette ville !! Combien d'édifices merveilleux ont été détruits sous sa gouvernance ? Malgré l'opposition de la population de tout un quartier ce sont des douzaines de maisons victoriennes qui ont été démolies pour le projet de Cité Concordia. Malgré la grogne populaire et des demandes répétées de la part de plusieurs organismes, il a laissé des promoteurs démolir l'une des dernières superbes demeures de la rue Sherbrooke -la maison Van Horne.

    C'est bien sous l'administration Drapeau qu'on a construit la tour de la Banque Nationale à l'ombre de l'église Notre-Dame et de la Place d'Armes ? C'est bien sous l'administration du maire Drapeau qu'on a construit l'horrible Palais de Justice ? ou l'ITHQ ? C'est bien à cause de Jean Drapeau que toute la population du Québec a dû se serrer la ceinture pendant trente ans afin que nous puissions rembourser la dette olympique ? C'est ce maire-là que tu voudrais nous faire regretter ?

    C'est aussi ce maire qui dans les années 1960 avait fait couper pratiquement tous les arbres de la forêt du Mont-Royal parce qu'il voulait empêcher les homosexuels de s'y rencontrer ?

    Laissons le maire Drapeau se retourner dans sa tombe : c'est beaucoup mieux ainsi.


    Si Drapeau et son administration étaient si horrible et qu’il, comme tu l’à décrit, était « le maire qui a fait le plus de mal à cette ville…», pourquoi donc, les Montréalais l’on constamment réélu pendant presque 30 ans?


    Je peux quasiment répliquer à ton post en utilisant tes propres commentaires!!! Pour moi, les autoroutes, les parcs, les iles, le métro, l’expo 67, les expos, les olympiques, ainsi que la démolition des quartiers désuète et inutile en plein centre-ville étaient des marques d’un homme de VISION, d’audace et de couilles face aux chialeux qui ne connait rien en terme de gérance d’une GRANDE ville.


    Please forgive Yara almighty Drapeau…he knows not what he does! ;)

  6. I love seeing these types of projects, especially in my city!

    It's the equivalent of the bulldozer option in SimCity! Then when you redefine the area your residential and commercial points go up!! Hopefully that will happen!

  7. Dude! I sense alot of repressed violence in you. You pick up Boxing or some other sport that will allow you to channel that frustration and anger. ;);):):highfive:

  wife is pregnant....I think that says it all....:)

  8. Clearly slapping some fines or getting arrested is not going to cut it anymore. We should have public humuliations. Set aside a day where we tie these bastards up and strip them naked and throw food and/or small rocks at them.


    Hmmm...Probably too many bleeding heart liberals would object.

  9. o bordel que c'est con mais drole en ta


    <object style="height: 344px; width: 425px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></object>

  10. The funniest video I ever saw in my whole life.




    <object style="height: 344px; width: 425px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></object>

  11. Le projet ne vise plus les étudiants:



    After years of serving as a downtown eyesore, the block including the storied former Seville Theatre gets a major shot in the arm today with the expected announcement of a plan worth more than $100 million to build condos and storefronts on the strip.


    Two Montreal companies, the Claridge investment firm and the real estate developer Prével, are partners in the plan to build Le Séville, as the development on the north side of Ste. Catherine St. W. between Chomedey and Lambert Closse Sts. will be called.


    Le Séville will include a 20-storey tower on the west corner connected to an 11-storey building on the east corner and one rising seven storeys in the rear, Jacques Vincent, co-president of Prével, told The Gazette.


    They will include about 350 to 450 condos, and stores at street level. Construction is to begin this fall, and the first move-ins by tenants are planned for the spring of 2012.


    Unlike previous proposals with Concordia University as a possible participant, this plan, to be designed by the Cardinal Hardy architectural firm, does not include student housing, Vincent added.


    "The economic crisis made that unfeasible," he said.


    Instead, "it will be all condos."


    The preliminary plan is to build at least one-third of the units to sell at what is considered an affordable rate for condos - under $200,000.


    "There very well might be students whose parents can buy units for them," Vincent said. "Other people may buy units and rent them out."


    Roger Peace, president of the Shaughnessy Village Association, a residents' group in the area, was pleased there won't be student housing.


    "We prefer condos," Peace said. "Students are transient. These condos will be for middle-class families. That will bring stability."


    And not a bit too soon, Peace said.


    Right now, the block just east of the Pepsi Forum, Alexis Nihon Plaza and the Montreal Children's Hospital attracts vagrants, and some people are afraid to walk on the block, Peace said.


    Along with adding a solid new project on that section of Ste. Catherine St., Peace said it might be time to consider relocating Chez Doris, a homeless women's day centre located steps away on Chomedey St.


    "That place closes at 4 p.m. and the men wait for some of the ladies. Some prostitute them out, get drunk and start yelling. It's really rough."


    In the 26 years since the Seville Theatre closed, there have been many promises for the block, including restoring the theatre as a glorious stage and building a hotel. But this time it's for real, Vincent said.


    "We just say 'look at our track record.'


    "We have 30 years of experience, including building some projects that were not in an easy environment."


    Prével's projects include converting a former cigarette factory, the Imperial Tobacco building in St. Henri, into a 725-unit condo building. Only six or seven units remain unsold, he said. Another Prével project is the Lowney condo complex on the site of a former chocolate factory in Griffintown. That project is not yet completed.


    "We know how to build affordable, accessible housing," Vincent said.


    Le Séville "will conform to all current zoning by-laws," Vincent stated, and to recommendations by the city's public consultations office, which approved a 20-storey height limit in a plan by Claridge for the site last year that was mainly for student housing.


    Vincent said all that is left is to submit a final design to obtain the demolition and building permits from the Ville Marie borough.


    Ville Marie borough spokesperson Anne-Sophie Harrois confirmed yesterday the borough has been in talks about the Seville block. While the borough is keen to proceed with a development project, Harrois could not say if it will object to any aspect of the newest proposal.


    Although they plan to demolish what's left of the Seville, Vincent said Claridge and Prével must present a plan for how to preserve some essence of the theatre, designated by the city as a historic building in 1990.


    That could include rebuilding part of the facade in the new buildings or simply including photographs of the old Seville; this hasn't been decided, Vincent stressed.


    Dinu Bumbaru, policy director of Heritage Montreal, an architectural preservation group that pushed for the 1990 designation, was generally positive about the news, but said there is not much left of the Seville that is worth saving.


    "That's the greatest disappointment in this story," Bumbaru said.


    "We wanted the Seville to be protected, but that didn't happen. (In 1990) the interior was all there. But over the years a trap door opened in the ceiling and the snow started falling in.


    "The building became an orphan."



    Text SEVILLE123 to 11-2-11 to get more, save or share. Standard text messaging rates apply.




    Read more:

  12. Sort of hard to like a team that would lose every game, but thats just me.


    Plus the Olympic stadium was to big of a venue. They needed a place that could hold like 100 people lol


    I know you are trying to make a point but you are way off...They didn't lose every game. Baseball only has a few teams advancing to the post season and the competition is fierce..We had a good one cared


    I really miss them

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