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Messages posté(e)s par peekay

  1. Ce genre de commentaire n'est pas particulièrement brillant non plus...

    Ceux qui préfèrent la marche et le vélo ce sont les gens encore trop pauvres pour se payer le transport en commun?


    ceux qui "préfèrent"?!! C'mon soyons réaliste! Y a personne qui préfère marcher à -20. la pluspart des gens prennent l'autobus à cause qu'ils n'ont pas les moyenne de se payer les dépenses dune char. Ça ce n'est pas ma faute. En plus je parle d'ajouter des voies pour des autos ainsi que Pour des autobus. Fait moi pas taper une heure de plus dans le traffic parce que tu prefere continuer ton illusion de vivre dans une monde des fleures et lapins.

  2. ok merci.



    Soit dit en passant, il y avait un reportage sur la version "hippie" de l'échangeur Turcot au téléjournal.


    Les "experts" veulent faire passer ça de 18 voies à 10 voies... réduction immédiate de 110 000 personnes au moins de capacité... la solution? "Qu'ils prennent le transport en commun...:rolleyes: lol s'en est presque ridicule...


    ils étaient ou durant les travaux du BAPE?:rolleyes:


    Damn environmentalists are ruining this city. It's not our fault they can't afford cars and therefore drum up the advantages of public transit. If they truly cared about the environment, they would INCREASE lanes along with increasing public transit. Maybe they are too blind to realize that a car stuck in traffic produces more pollution than a car driving at an optimum 90 km/h.

  3. Its people like this that are killing Montreal:




    This stretch of the Main has certainly seen better days (it has seen glorious, legendary, iconic days). New life is needed, but do we really need this much of it? Does it have to be this new? And do we need it all at once? Does a revitalization project necessarily have to be an ilot, a quadrilatère, or a quartier? Can’t the SDA be content to rebuild on the lots that they have acquired without topping it all off with a glass tower? Can’t the site be allowed to develop organically – as the Main has always done – evolving to meet new demands as the completion of the Quartier des Spectacles brings fresh faces to the neighbourhood?


    You got your wish you ****** ******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






    I really want to cry when I see this picture. I can't believe we have so many empty lots in 2009. 17 years since IBM was built just a few blocks away. Absolutely pathetic!


    When can we officially say it's been a generation since we saw a tower go up in Montreal? Is it 18?

  5. Voici quelques photos prise lors de ma visite fin août début septembre 2009 à Tokyo et à la ville de Saigon (Ho Chi Minh) au Vietnam.
















    Saigon en pleine croissance:





    Aucune NIMBY pour bloquer ce projet la:



















    Tallest building in Vietnam in 2010:





    Tallest building in Vietnam in 2010 (Rendering):


  6. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:


    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

  7. One thing i really like about the Louis-Bohème... it's at a nice size now and still under construction - just in time for the festivals!


    I don't know if i'm just weird, but i like the fact we have a tall and large building under construction right next to the Quartier des Spectacles so that tourists coming to the jazzfest will see it and subconsciously think to themselves "Montreal is a large city and it's growing and improving".


    I feel the same way.

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