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Messages posté(e)s par peekay

  1. Actually, the Toronto film festival is also recognized and accredited by the FIAPF. Just to show that you have no idea what you are talking about. Both are classed "A" festival or the highest ranking but each has their own focus. This was almost mandated by the FIAPF because Canada is the only place to have two "A" level festivals and they are not suposed to be in competition with one another. Toronto tries to compete with Cannes, Montreal tries to compete with Berlin.


    Thanks for proving my point. If what you say is true, Montreal had the accreditation FIRST, then T.O....


    Back on topic, I give the Montreal Just For Laughs festival a maximum of ten years before Toronto gets the majority of the performers and glory. The french version will be the only one left here.

  2. In what alternate reality did the Montreal film festival compare to Cannes? The WFF never targeted Hollywood style movies while the TIFF always did. Despite that, attendance at the WFF is usually more then in Toronto. For Int'l Film Festivals, very few compare in success to Montreal.


    When ordinary people think of film festivals, they don't think of Montreal, which happens to be the ONLY competitive film festival in North America recognized by the FIAPF. Roger Ebert once called it the second most important film festival after Cannes. Now most people say that Toronto comes second in that category.

  3. Oh no not this again! Thank god that Gilbert Rozon, Guy Laliberté et al don't think as small as some of the people here.


    So, you'd think that people here would be happy that we have created the largest, most successful comedy festival IN THE WORLD. You'd think that they would be happy that, because it is the most successful comedy festival IN THE WORLD, it is now exporting itself all over the world. You'd think that these same people would be laughing at Toronto because they're relying on Montréal to provide them with a festival that they couldn't create on their own. But no; the small-thinkers here think that the festival is 'moving'. Based on what?


    First of all, there is no street festival aspect to the Toronto JPR. Why? Because Toronto won't close streets like we do here, they have nowhere to hold a proper festival like we do here and they're too anal-retentive to allow people to have a drink on the street like we do here. Toronto is not a fun city. They'll have shows in theatres.. that's all.


    Let me tell you, as someone who has lived in Toronto: JPR isn't going anywhere. Any attempt to have a Montréalesque festival wouldl fail miserably. M. Rozon will make money off them, have indoor shows and call it a day. Toronto is too anal to have a proper festival


    I read an interview with M. Rozon where he stated that it's easier to get international acts if he has a number of dates to offer them, rather than just paying them for one big one in Montréal. By creating festivals in Toronto and Chicago, he's doing just that. He's also planning on expanding to Los Angeles and Atlanta.


    So who are we 'losing' it to: Chicago, Toronto, Los Angeles, Atlanta? Are we losing the franco festival to Rennes (Lyon next year), or is the expansion just a further extension of the dominance of THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMEDY FESTIVAL? Naturally, the loser mentalty people think that we're losing it to Toronto. You've obviously never been to a 'festival' in Toronto!


    Seriously, stop living on the internet. Attend festivals here and then go somewhere else. If you do that, you'll know why Montréal has nothing to worry about losing a festival to boring Toronto, or anywhere else in North America.


    Give me a good reason why you don't think that the JFL festival won't suffer the same fate as the film festival? Our film festival used to be highly regarded and comparable to Cannes, and you know what happened with that. Seriously, you really don't think that Toronto won't steal the Just for laughs title as the premier english comedy festival in Canada? You really do???? Wake up man :rolleyes:

  4. Awesome Canada Day!


    Girlfriend and I:

    1. went to the parade on Sainte-Catherine St.

    2. had free cake at Phillips Sq.

    3. walked around old port, saw some motorcycle stunts and other cool stuff

    4. went to the jazz fest and saw a wicked show at 6pm

    5. saw the Boogie Wonder Band's free concert back at Old Port

    6. enjoyed the fireworks


    J'adore cette ville. Il y a toujours des choses à faire. Il y a toujours de la vie.





    Good stuff! I just went to the old port had a great time.

  5. Goddamn I want a piece of this french cuttie! mmmmmmmmm


    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

  6. Le festival juste pour rire, tant dans son coté anglais que francais, n'est pas un festival qui attire autant de monde de l'extérieur, pour plusieurs raisons, 1 le fait que la grande majorité de la programmation soit québécoise de langue francaise, tout les artistes qui ont réussi en france entre autre, le font avec un spectacle remanié pour l'europe, car le spectacle adapté au Québec est un flop total la bas (disparité dans les expressions, les références...)


    Ensuite, pour ce qui est de la programmation anglophone, il s'agit rarement d'exclusivités, Seinfeld doit faire une trentaine sinon plus de show par année, d'ailleurs, la veille de montréal, il sera à Hamilton (rien a voir avec JFL Toronto), tout comme la majorité des artistes se produisent déjà dans les autres villes.


    Là ou cela peut nuire, c'est avec les artistes plus exclusifs, ou certaines combinaisons d'artistes, mais encore, Montréal ne s'est pas encore trouvé désavantagé vis-à-vis de Toronto, depuis l'arrivé de Toronto, la qualité de la programmation anglophone as-t-elle diminuée? Je ne crois pas.


    @West et autres, on ne parle pas de la partie francais du festival. Oublions le festivale juste pour rire. On parle de l'élément anglophone qui d'ailleures attire énormément de recruteurs americain qui cherche le prochain gros vedette.Tu n'a qu'a faire un peu de recherche la dessus. Aussi, pendant plusieurs années à Montréal, ils offre le Nasty Show qui, après 4 ans à Toronto, à volé le MC populaire. Donc, pour repondre à ta question, oui, la qualité de programmation anglophone a diminiué depuis, et continuera a diminuer...Tel que j'ai mentionné dans une autre post, Ca serait interessant à voir quelle Nasty Show sera diffusé sur HBO Canada, une emission très populaire enregistré au Club Soda à Montréal.

  7. Je suis content que le festival a eu d'énormes succès a travers le monde, mais comme vous le savez peut être déjà ça fait énormément de peine à la communauté anglophone de voir un succès signé Montréal qui tranquillement se délocalise à Toronto. C’est plus profond qu’un piètre festival.


    On y trouve le cirque de soleil partout dans le mode et même je dirais que c’est probablement présenté plus souvent à Las Vegas qu’ici. Mais, c’est connu comme un succès québécois. Je suis persuadé que Toronto ne perdra pas le temps à déclaré leur festival « Just for laughs » mieux organisé qu’ici et plus accessible aux vedettes qu’ici.

  8. This is getting serious. She is asking me for RDS contact info. I just went to and grabbed every email I could find and forwarded her inquiry...I hope they don't force me to take down the clip due to copyright infringement

  9. :( Dommage de réagir ainsi parce que c'est une perte pour Montréal. Notre ville a le potentiel de jouer un rôle important sur le plan international et des affaires en étant un pont et une porte d'entrée sur le continent américain.


    C'est justement cette double culture et ce bilinguisme qui lui permet de jouer efficacement ce rôle indispensable. N'oublions pas que nous sommes la seule et unique ville d'importance sur ce continent a avoir ce statut enviable de ville bilingue. Et cette situation n'est absolument pas en contradiction avec la prédominance du français que nous défendons et qui fait partie de l'image et de la culture originale de Montréal.


    Même dans un Québec hypothétiquement indépendant, l'anglais aura toujours une place importante puisque c'est la langue internationale des échanges commerciaux. L'anglais est et sera toujours un atout pour cette ville et loin de nous diminuer, il nous grandit en fournissant un deuxième canal de communication avec le monde.


    Ouvrons un peu nos horizons, la survie du français ne passe pas par la disparition de l'anglais, mais par la place que chacune des deux langues occupent selon son importance dans la vie économique et sociale, et aussi leur complémentarité qui offre deux fois plus d'opportunités d'échanges et d'enrichissement collectif.


    Bien dit acpnc! :applause:

  10. For those of you that follow the Just for Laughs festival, the Nasty Show is a collection of raw, uncensored, filthy comedy that is presented every year here. Bobby Slaton is a foul mouthed comic that often hosts the show. This show is broadcast on HBO Canada and is filmed in Montreal. The comics often mention that they are in Montreal and it is good publicity for the rest of the country that at least Montreal can produce some english programming for the rest of the country (not just Toronto) ....Well, Toronto now has a nasty show this year and it is going to be hosted by Bobby Slaton. So I wonder which nasty show will be presented nation wide on HBO. Montreal's or Toronto's?

  11. ... which makes the signs look very nice, even with the new "intense flourescent yellow" instead of the "yellow" exit-only tabs.


    Is this really new? Did you read this somewhere? I wonder if they will become yellow with time.

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