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Messages posté(e)s par peekay

  1. Fun facts:

    -Altitude will be the 19th tallest building in Montreal once completed.

    -Altitude will be the tallest all-residential building in Montreal once completed.

    -Altitude will be the tallest building built in Montreal since 1992.-Altitude will be taller than the Sun Life building and just 5m shy of the Scotia Tower.


    We've had projects skim the 120m range (such as the Hilton Garden Inn) but it's about time we break the all-important psychological 120m barrier!



    I hope it doesn't take another twenty years to break 120m...Oh right...THE MARIOTT! :veryhappy:

  2. Voici ce que New York propose !


    Beaucoup plus jolie et digne d'une ville de design.


    NYC’s New Taxi Topper


    Bluemap Design in collaboration with Show Media, Inc. and Distec GMbH present a brand new billboard box for the tops of New York City taxi cabs, that never-ending sea of yellow, black, and white on wheels. For many years there’s been a triangular plastic box up there and heck, it’s time for a change. This new box is sleek, simple, metal, LED lit, recyclable, makes the ad easier to view and read, and will be fitted to cabs across the city starting as soon as the end of September 2010.


    The images on these billboard boxes are clearer and much better lit than they were on the plastic bloated and aged toppers the cabs have at the moment. There’s a super clear, legible availability status and medalion number on the front and back of the box, and the entire device is simple to install on all manner of connectors already on current cabs.


    The box is bright with new generation LED backlighting providing low energy consumption and working in tangent with effective digital graphic reproduction processes. “Harmonized Design/Engineering allows all generated light to be concentrated exclusively on advertising and functional communications.” That means it’s not just a black blocker with letters blasting through with light – the entire image is lit like it always should have been, illuminating the message in a precise, nice, glowing manner.


    The frame is made of strong aluminum ready for the harshest of weather conditions which it WILL see because I don’t know if you’ve been to NYC, but it gets both hella cold AND hella hot.


    Finally, maybe best of all, and almost just for fun at this point since this board is more than amazing already, the amount of EMI emissions from the board are lower than ever before. What’s that mean? There’s less radio interference, and your iPhone works better. Wild.


    Designer: Bluemap Design


    Trouvé via yankodesign






    Very disappointed by the design. This design is so 90's. There should have been an HD video display with solar paneling on top.


    NYC can do much better.

  3. Le problème c'est que tu dissocies les deux et tu ne te rends pas compte que la corruption affecte directement tes droits et libertés.


    La corruption ce n'est pas seulement des enveloppes brunes remplis d'argents.


    C'est aussi des passes droits parceque tu connais les bonnes personnes.


    C'est d'utiliser, en position d'autorité, tes pouvoirs publiques pour ton gain personnel et pour tes "amis".


    Et tout ça au dépend de qui? Au dépend du citoyen qui a le droit d'avoir un service publique juste et honnête.


    Après tout, c'est le niaseux de citoyen qui se voit brîmer de sa liberté économique par des impôts dont il ne voit pas un juste retour en services... ça compte pas ça non plus?


    Tu me diras comment se portent tes droits et libertés quand une fois dans ta vie tu devras surmonter un système judiciaire qui est corrompu, quand la personne qui te poursuit ou que tu poursuis connais les "bonnes" personnes.


    Il faut se rendre à l'évidence, le fédéralisme par la force des choses est obligé de corrompre la classe politique au Québec pour la garder dans son giron.


    Ce n'est pas une invention canadienne, ça existe partout dans le monde.


    Des bonnes points légitimes et francs, mais tu feras quoi toi à ma place? Je n’ai aucune autre option.


    Je me dit qu’au moins les libéraux ont fait avancé les projets d’infrastructures majeurs et je garde l’espoir qu’il ne sera pas le chef lors de la prochaine élection, ou encore mieux, qu’il démissionne d’ici quelque mois.

  4. Évidemment c'est pas défendable.


    La corruption c'est l'ennemi de la civilization, c'est ça qui fout le bordel et qui peut faire le plus de dommage...


    I disagree...loss of freedom and fundamental rights is the enemy of civilization. All of which is in the fore front of voters minds when faced with the possibility of a PQ victory. What rights will they remove when in power? What will they do? I prefer corruption to oppression anytime. SAD SAD Statement but true

  5. This is exactly my argument against MLB coming back to Montreal. I would love for MLB to come back and I would love for the NBA to come to Montreal too. What I don't like is when I hear people putting Montreal down because it doesn't have neither. Really?? Think for a second: Keeping in mind the tough state of the Blue Jays and Raptors in Toronto, Canada's largest market, what could Montreal, the second largest market, offer MLB or the NBA that Toronto can't? <<<A LOT OF MONTREAL SPORTS FANS THAT PUT DOWN THE CITY FOR NOT HAVING MORE MAJOR LEAGUE SPORTS CAN NEVER, I DO NOT LIKE, ANSWERING THAT SIMPLE QUESTION. TRY IT WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW, AND WATCH HOW IT STUMPS THEM, BECAUSE THEY KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION, BUT THEY JUST DON'T WANT TO FACE REALITY.


    An outdoor open air baseball stadium.

  6. Pas de Camion à Déchets dans le QDS


    Source: Spacing Montreal




    There aren’t going to be any dump trucks blocking up the streets in Montreal’s new Quartier des Spectacles. Last Wednesday, the City approved a proposition to replace public trash cans with receptacles for garbage, recyclables and compostables, all hooked up to an vacuum-powered collection system. Waste placed in each receptacle would be sucked into a network of underground tubes and transported to a central processing location (possibly located in Place Desjardins).


    At first glance, this system may seem unduly costly and invasive, not to mention energy intensive. But since the streets in the QDS are already slotted to be ripped up in order to replace ageing sewers, aqueducts and power-lines, throwing in the waste-collection system will only cost an additional $8.2 million (according to a planner who worked on the proposal). Under the new system, garbage collection in the neighborhood would rely on electricity rather than fossil fuels, which may not be a bad idea given the cost and environmental impacts of burning fuel.


    Most importantly, the new garbage collection system would also apply to residents and businesses located in the Quartier des Spectacles. For instance, the restaurants in Place Desjardins would be able to be compost food scraps, saving several hundred tons of waste from landfills each year.


    Although Montreal is behind cities like Toronto who offer composting for household waste, this initiative would be the first in North America to offer composting on the public domain and for businesses.


    ENVAC, the European company that engineers these systems worldwide, built their first trash-vacuuming system in Stockholm in 1961 and it is still in operation (it has an expected lifespan of about 50 years, although that is probably standard for sewers and other infrastructure).


    Teaching the hoards of drunken festival-goers and clueless tourists to sort trash from recyclables and organic waste is a challenge for the future…


    Did they get this done? Has anyone seen this?

  7. Youppi! It worked!!






    Je ne sais pas à qui m'adresser mais j'ai reçu un courriel d'une mademoiselle Hannah du MLB part rapport a une video que j'ai uploadé sur youtube.Apparament, le mlb est intéressé à faire une émission sur les expos et aimerait avoir les archives de la série mondiale de 2004. Notamment le clip suivante: (une fusion de TSN et RDS)



    Voici un extrait de son courriel..


    Pedro Martinez donates '04 WS Ring to Montreal clip

    I work for Major League Baseball and we are producing a show on the Expos. We were wondering where the clip of Pedro Martinez donating his 2004 World Series Ring to the city of Montreal exists in it's true form? Where did you find this clip? We want to acquire the raw footage if possible.


    Any help would be much appreciated.





    Thanks for getting back to me! Do you know anyone at RDS that I can contact about archives? Or do you have the raw material yourself that you could possibly pass along?


    Est-ce que vous avez l'information quelle désire?







    Il faudrait voir avec notre archiviste. Pouvez-vous dire à la dame en question de m’écrire à mon adresse personnelle pour que je puisse avoir ses coordonnées et je tenterai de faire le suivi avec la personne qui pourrait l’aider.






    Hi Hannah,


    I sent an email to everyone I could find on the website, I was pleased to have received an email from Mr. x of RDS. He requested that you email him directly at which point he can get in contact with the person responsible for archives. He can be reached at:






    Thanks for your help!! They have sent the clip to me in its raw form. We will certainly use it for the Expos documentary!





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