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Messages posté(e)s par peekay

  1. All I can comment on is that normally owners of condos with pools all end up regretting it later. The upkeep seems to be a bitch and high costs of repair sometimes is a sticking point when you want to resell. When buying a condo, you should look at the owner/investor ratio. I wouldn't want to live in a building with a high number of investor owned units.

    It is hard to have meetings and consensus. Also, they tend to rent them out to losers who don't care about the building.


    Welcome to the forum.

  2. Soyons positif :) J'serais curieux de voir de quoi ça a l'air sur un building. J'sais pas si vous en avez trouvé sur le net mais pas moi !


    Un recherche de "polished concrete" donne plein de photos interieur.

    Je n'ai pas trouvé aucune photo d'un utilisation exterieur. En plus, avec nos hivers; oh boy! Anyway, j'ai hâte à voir ça aussi!

  3. Curieux: sur la carte d'Aimer Mtl, on ne voit pas le Crystal?:confused:


    Car ajouter la monstruosité signé crystal de la montagne dans une carte appellé 'aimer mtl' est une contradiction!

    J'ai hâte à 2015 justement pour montrer comment que le crystal est si ridicule au coin de R-L et de la montagne! Quelle gaffe monumentale!

  4. I have been on this type of forum since 2003 when I first started on SkyscraperPage, let me tell you, there wasn't much going on back then. People went nuts when the Concorde at 18 storeys was announced. People had erections when the 28 storey Le Crystral was announced. WTF, a 48 storey $175 million Condo tower is announced and everyone seems disappointed. Come on man, we have had over a dozen projects announced in the last couple of months that are worth well over $1.5 billion dollars and we're shitting on a 48 storey Condo????


    I am so freakin happy that CF has finally announced this project along with the Deloitte office tower. These 2 towers are just phase 1 of of an investment that'll surpass the $1 billion dollar mark within the next 5 to 10 years from CF alone. So let's toast this building and just imagine when all thes towers go up and Griffintown and les Quais are complete along with the MUHC the CHUM the Turcot etc, etc.. Montreal will be transformed!! SO for me it's a happy day!!:):):)


    I can only speak for myself when I say that I am disappointed in the fact that it was scaled down quite a bit since the big fanfare over a year ago. It's a let down now that the official rendering is out.

    That being said, I'm glad to see it is not cancelled and that it is a tall, slim tower. We do not have too many of those. Also, seeing the skyline filled with cranes in summer 2014 will no doubt make me come in my pants.


    BTW, I am more interested in a towers impact on the skyline and on street level. This is why the new marriot on R-L is my favorite building U/C.

  5. Même si je suis un amateur de hockey, il est evident que ce ne fait pas partie du démographique de ce projet (la tune sur leur site horrible et le logo quétaine sur l'édifice). No way dude!

    Meh, suis déçu du nombre d'étages et j'ai vraiment peur qu'ils le construit en pré-fab!

  6. Je ne sais pas si la phrase a le même impacte en francais mais "aim higher" est vraiment une phrase qui a du "punch" en anglais. En plus, c'est évident qu'il "vise" la clientèle des autres projets pas trop loin d'la! (allo Vaillant! aim higher!) :D

  7. I believe it is only a question of time. Maybe a very long time but I strongly believe it'll be back. It is incomprehensable to me to see MLB in cities such as milwaukee, KC, and Washington but not in Montreal. Bud Selig was a lazy a$$hole and I will smile the day he croaks. He had no respect for the uniqueness of Montreal and he can go f himself.

    Although a great number of African Americain atheletes are no longer graviting towards MLB, there still is a significant amount of spanish players that live and breath the game. Little league is still strong in QC. Its just that they no longer talk about it as much.

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