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Messages posté(e)s par peekay

  1. Don't worry, it's not a 18 yo kid who's in charge of coordination. These guys have experience.


    There is no company in Montreal that has had to deal with this possible dilemma. It has never happened before. We are talking about potentially three or more different companies just to lay the foundation.

    Also, Broccolini and Molson are technically competing with each other which won't help.

    Add to the mix, 20,000 fans and a slopping road.

  2. I said it before, it will be chaos getting through that part of town for the next few years. How the fuck do you coordinate the countless number of cement trucks for two or three projects next to each other? Who is in charge? What project gets priority? Madness. Add a 25 cm snowstorm to the mix and its enough to kill yourself.

  3. I cannot believe that this or tour des canadiens will ever be cancelled. It just seems impossible at this point.

    If not for the sales office investment, just in pride alone. Also, they are competing against each other. Big freaking egos to build Mtl's tallest residential tower.

    I am positive that these two will go up eventually.

  4. looking like there are too many condos downtown...sales are slowing..


    Your post doesn't make any sense! Where are you getting this information from? Please put some data up backing up your claim! Also, what does that have to do with Karl Fischer???

  5. Amen Carniala.


    Je reviens de Miami et des Turcots y en a partout en plus d'en construire plein en même temps. J'etais ébahis. Et la Floride fait faillite y parais. J'ai vraiment été jaloux, pas de leur nombre, ni de leur état impeccable, mais de cette facilité apparente de faire ce qui fais juste du bon sens.




    Didn't you just love the HOV lanes? WOW That freaked me out.

  6. I find it very very hard to believe that season ticket holders would get a discount of 20-30%, that's like $60,000 to $90,000 off on a unit that cost $300,000,sounds like bullshit to me (2-3% i would believe)


    It is true. It's not a discount, it is a pre "pre-sale" price. Only insiders can have those prices. As far as the public is concerned, units start at $250,000.

    You can call it a friends of employees discount. It happens in every industry.

  7. Just got the following information from a very reliable source (it's true):


    Pre-sale finished for canadiens season ticket holders. This week, it will go on sale to agents and their clients. Apparently they are selling very well already with the season ticket holders. The general public will be able to buy at the end of October. Prices are 20%-30% more for the general public.


    Good news. Fucking great news!

  8. J’ajouterai aussi que l’extension de Cavendish aurait pu avoir une belle piste cyclable, ainsi qu’une voie réservé pour autobus, taxi et covoiturage. Il est dommage car ceci aurait aidé énormément la fluidité de Décarie.

    Je connais des gens qui ont refusé un emploi à VSL car il fallait traverser l’autoroute pour se rendre.

    Je réitère que les défussions sont les principales raisons pourquoi on n’a pas aujourd’hui une Cavendish qui traverse l’ile nord - sud.

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