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Messages posté(e)s par peekay

  1. If this is even slightly close to the rest of the downtown projects....the parking alone will be around 65-70k. Then, there's no way a 440sqf can go for 120k before tax. Good luck!

    I know. I'm dreaming.

    I think I'll just start with the classic "What is the best price you can give me?"

  2. @Allison Lampert. I know you read this forum. Please put out an article with ville-marie numbers. Don't you realize that you kind of contradict yourself just in the first sentence alone?

    Condo resales may be down more than 20 per cent in Greater Montreal, but you’d never know it from the pace of sales at the Tour des Canadiens project.

    Yes downtown is part of Greater Montreal but so is la prairie and Laval for that matter. Please show us numbers from the downtown core. I highly doubt it is as bad as it is anywhere where you have to cross a bridge to get there.


    Awaiting your reply,


    Good day

  3. Tu mentionne tout ça comme si le péage est quelque chose de nouveau. Voyons donc.

    Pourquoi qu'ils n'ont pas utilisé un système déjà fonctionnel partout en Amérique du Nord? Ils n'ont pas fait des séries de tests? Ils ne sont pas informés sur les « best-practices » ailleurs? Ils n'ont pas une série de démarches à suivre si une camion ou voiture tombe en panne? Les commis sont-t-ils bien formées?

    Gangs d'incompétents à 100%.

  4. Look at the press fiasco that happened when the 25 opened, and people who didn't registered received the bill with the 5-7$ service charge tacked on, and started complaining to the press that it was not indicated and bla bla bla...


    It seems there is no perfect system in the end, they wanted a simpler system where if you don't register, just pay and pass rather than the send a bill system saying it would be simpler, which i would tend to believe in the long run it will be! Maybe some signage improvement are needed, and a supervisor needs to be added, but that is part of the opening process


    They opened one month ago. This sort of issue is completely unacceptable! Ridiculous!

  5. 2 points I'd like to add:


    1-Its the dead of freaking winter, its Xmas time, buying a property right now is very low on people's mind.

    2-Increasing the tax burden of wealthy quebecers WILL affect the real estate market no matter which political party does it.

  6. PVM added floors during construction to eclipse CIBC as the tallest building in the Commonwealth. I wasn't aware the 1000 and 1250 had a little battle as well?


    1250 added the spire to get on top of 1000. Still debatable today which building is Montreal's tallest because 1000 has a higher roof.

  7. Everything is done for a reason in the video. That ass, the fact that they are married, the obvious display of her and his wedding ring, the back door entrance to a chic restaurant, the fact that they have no kids....All is done on purpose to portray the image of a typical owner of Avenue. But seriously, how many quebecers fit that profile?

  8. C'est justement à cause (entre autres choses) de cette dernière image que je trouve que la vidéo est nulle : l'édifice n'est même pas dans le bon angle !! Il n'est même pas correctement aligné.


    LOL à ton commentaire que personne d'autre qu'un forumeur mtlurb comprendra.



    The view out the windshield: traffic relief. Out the rear window: new traffic to fill up newly cleared lanes.


    Highway 30, which opens Saturday, is expected to reduce traffic on Montreal Island but it’s unclear how long the open road will last.


    The new roadway will link Châteauguay and Vaudreuil-Dorion and will include a toll bridge between Salaberry-de-Valleyfield and Les Cèdres, allowing vehicles to bypass Montreal.


    But even as it was planning the $1.5-billion South Shore ring road, Transport Quebec was skeptical about whether it would remove heavy trucks from Montreal highways.


    In fact, Highway 30 is expected to have little impact on truck traffic on Montreal highways, according a 2005 Transport Quebec study, obtained by The Gazette via an access-to-information request.


    At most, Highway 30 will remove about 3,500 heavy trucks daily from highways 20 and 40, says the study, which focused on the new highway’s impact on trucks doing inter-city runs.


    “Assuming all 3,500 trucks would be subtracted from Highway 40, the effect on traffic of the highway … will be relatively low,” the study found.


    That’s because 3,500 represents a tiny portion of the 175,000 vehicles using Highway 40. In addition, the demand is actually two times greater than that highway’s capacity.


    That means “any improvement in the level of service on Highway 40 would be short-lived.”


    “It would quickly attract users that currently use other routes to save time but for whom Highway 40 is the optimal route.”


    Predicting highway usage “is not an exact science” and Transport Quebec is reluctant to predict how many trucks will be removed from Montreal, department official Sandra Sultana said.


    “It will have an effect on Montreal, there will surely be vehicles that will want to bypass the island, but we can’t say how many,” she added.


    Even the total number of vehicles (trucks and cars) expected to use Highway 30 remains anyone’s guess.


    There is a wide discrepancy between official traffic estimates for the toll bridge.


    Transport Quebec says its estimate, calculated several years ago, suggests 12,000 vehicles daily by the end of the first year of operation.


    But Nouvelle Autoroute 30, the private consortium that built and will maintain and operate the highway, figures about 34,000 vehicles will use the bridge daily, said Denis Léonard, the consortium’s chief executive.


    Transport Quebec’s figures are “much more conservative,” Sultana said. “We did our estimates when there was no toll infrastructure in place. We didn’t know how users would react.”


    Road tolls were abolished in the Montreal region in 1990, when the Champlain Bridge stopped charging a fee.


    They returned in May 2011, when the Highway 25 Montreal-Laval bridge opened.


    “Now, with the 25, we see there’s an interest (in toll roads) so we can assume usage will be higher than we calculated,” Sultana said.


    Based on what he has been hearing from trucking companies, Marc Cadieux, chief executive of the Association du camionnage du Québec, expects Highway 30 to siphon many trucks from Montreal.


    He said the 2005 study could be off-target because it was conducted when “there wasn’t as much roadwork, it wasn’t as chaotic as it is now.”


    That includes ongoing, disruptive repairs to the Mercier and Champlain bridges and Turcot Interchange. And, he added, things will worsen once work begins on the new Turcot and new Champlain.


    Highway 30 is expected to be used by truckers who now use Highway 20 and the Mercier or Champlain bridges on trips between Ontario and the U.S., and by those who now use Highway 40 between Ontario and eastern Quebec.


    That will “relieve local traffic, meaning trucks making deliveries on Montreal Island won’t be stuck behind ones that have no business being in Montreal,” Cadieux said.


    Trucking companies will “save time and fuel, there will be less stress and fatigue and fewer accidents,” he added.


    Highway 30 should cut traffic on the Mercier, Champlain and Jacques Cartier bridges, though the bridges’ federal operator does not have an estimate on the traffic impact, said Jean-Vincent Lacroix of Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.


    The new highway will offer an alternative to cars and trucks from the South Shore heading for Ottawa, Gatineau or parts west, he noted. They’ll be able to reach destinations without crossing the West Island or taking federal bridges, Lacroix added.


    Even environmental groups that normally resist new highways saw the need for a ring road to alleviate traffic on the 20 and the 40 and the Turcot in Montreal.


    “But if you want to have a positive environmental effect, you also have to put more reserved bus lanes in place so public transit benefits, too,” said Daniel Bouchard of the Conseil régional de l’environnement de Montréal, a coalition.


    “Whenever you build a highway, it’s clear you’re encouraging car use,” he added.


    “Nobody has ever reduced traffic or pollution by building a highway — it may be alleviate traffic temporarily but it will eventually just be filled up by new traffic.”


    In addition to spurring car use, Highway 30 will encourage South Shore urban sprawl, Bouchard added. To offset those negative effects of Highway 30, he said, Quebec should make transit more efficient by expanding the network of reserved bus lanes on the South Shore and on Montreal Island.



    I can't wait to see the real impact. Also, how can you possibly measure an accident that would've happened but didn't happen because the truck was at A-30 instead of the 40?


    Read more:

  10. C'est tout simplement logique : plus tu construis en hauteur plus ça prend du temps. Ne serais-ce que pour monter les matériaux au sommet de l'édifice. Une grue prendra plus de temps pour monter des matériaux au 50ième étage qu'au cinquième. Plus de temps pour monter les matériaux, plus de temps pour terminer un édifice.


    Je ne parle pas de la différence entre le 5ieme et 50ieme étage. Je parle du cout moyenne par étage entre 43 et 50 vs le cout par étage théorique de 50 à 57.


    Si on prend le cout du 50ième étage (la limite courante) vs le cout du 57ième étage (21 mètres plus haut) la différence est-elle si remarqué?

    On loues-tu une grue par heure ou par projet?

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