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Messages posté(e)s par SKYMTL

  1. I'll agree with that survey. It's also the abandoned construction projects that are starting to cause issues too. Two that I routinely pass:


    - The 40 east between the Île aux Tourtes bridge and St Charles in Kirkland still hasn't been renewed like the westbound side. The paving issues in numerous places cause problems


    - The 40 west between Chemin des Anciens Combattants and the Île aux Tourtes bridge hasn't been refinished. As a result, massive potholes cause traffic backlogs every night.


    The other major problem seems to be a real lack of signage and signaling regulations. Almost every construction site I see has damn cones and barriers thrown willy-nilly all over the place with many sites simply abandoned. Its a total joke.

  2. ^ I can really picture myself printing a giant board with examples of mediocre montreal buildings and going there to display and vocalize my displeasure towards this project. I envision myself going on and on about the responsibility of each developer to erect beautiful buildings as they add to the fabric of our fair city. "Each builder has to be held responsible for their projects. They should be good corporate citizens and maintain a certain architectural standard" I could do all that but I'm far too lazy. I'd rather bitch on this forum instead. :P


    There isn't a board big enough......

  3. By some on the forum, or external (outside of Canada I mean) opinions maybe, but not by angryphones.


    I'd have to agree with that for the RoC but here in Quebec I think we are moving towards something other than segmented "anglos" and "francos". Most people of my generation and below (say 35 and under) identify ourselves as bilingual rather than English or French. Meanwhile, the "old guard" on both sides (Angryphones and Militantes) are on their way out even though they increasingly grasp at straws and try to make themselves heard.

  4. See... Economic power has nothing to do with language. Even with very strong French language laws, we are number one accross Canada. As a French province, stats show we are starting to dominate. This must be terrible news for Bay Street.


    Our BILINGUALISM is often stated as a benefit. :highfive:

  5. Damn. What a shame to see all these beautiful, mature and unique trees destroyed for 19 and 30 story buildings. If you are going to destroy nature at least do it for an iconic skyscrapper! 200 meters! or at least a beautiful design!

    These rare downtown trees are giving up their lives for 19 and 30 stories?


    This is why certain skyscrapers should have a mandated setback from the sidewalk to allow for green space.


    Not sure what its called in French but in English this is called a hit-piece, especially when you see multiple articles pop up from different sources all with the same conclusion.


    Makes me wonder who backed this "study" and paid for its publication in our newspapers.

  7. OK! Phase 2:

    Ligne Mascouche transformer en REM. De Correspondance A-40 a Mascouche

    Ligne Vaudreuil transformer en REM. De Lucien L'Allier a Vaudreuil

    Ligne St-Jerome: De Blainville a Lasalle, et un split apres passant par pont mercier, un terminus Chateauguay, l'autre terminus Candiac/Delson. Ajout d'une station a Canora pour un transfert vers le centreville.

    Peut etre une ligne qui prend les rails qui passe par rosemont et longe le long du vieux port.


    Judging from the massive issues with it, I'd say the next bridge to be replaced will be the Ile aux Tourtes. Extend the REM over the new bridge and have a multi level carpark somewhere along the North service road.

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