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Messages posté(e)s par SKYMTL

  1. Scoop Alert! Annonce importante demain concernant le développement de la Maison Radio-Canada. Gardez l'oeil ouvert :)


    Ps: Je n'ai pas trouvé le fil de discussion concernant le projet...quelqu'un peut m'enligner?!?! Merci!




    Hopefully something concrete!

  2. Part of me says that I'm FOR the height limit. I like the Montreal skyline and the fact we don't have any 200m+ buildings. It imparts a sense of human scale among other things.


    Now, the realist in me says that we should still keep the 200m cap but expand its "zone" outwards over time. The problem is that if you artificially limit development density then eventually all the land that can be developed will be maximized.


    I'll also throw this into the mix: instead of removing the 200m limit, how about Montreal begins mandating MINIMUM heights in 150m - 200m zones? For example, a developer can't come along and build a 100m structure on a lot with a 200m limit. I think this would be a much more effective solution.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Greenlobster has been very very quiet.......


    I can't see how any American company right now can afford a globalized announcement right now.


    I think we all saw straight through that "announcement" in the first place. It just wasn't realistic.

  4. Bof the anglos of vancouver and toronto don't have to learn mandarin there is already large chinese communities *speaking mandarin in vancouver and toronto.


    We have a satellite office in Vancouver and I would say the vast majority of the "white" folks there can understand or speak a bit of Mandarin or Cantonese. I won't generalize and say the majority of Vancouverites know Mandarin but there's certainly a large portion of the non-Asian population that can at least speak / understand SOME of the language.

  5. Another interesting element from Statistics Canada:


    In Quebec, employment increased for the second consecutive month, up 38,000 in September. The unemployment rate edged down to 6.9%, the lowest since the start of 2008. Compared with September 2015, employment in the province was up by 61,000 (+1.5%).


    All things considered, we are on a major upturn! :quebec:


    Let's hope this stays together! :begging:

  6. You are absolutely right! The anglo-media bias against Quebec, including the Toronto led Post Media (i.e. The Montreal Gazette) is constant. More often than not, it is not about what is reported, it is what is not reported....Quebec employment gains being a typical and constantly repeated example. The Toronto media (including the so-called national paper, the G&M) fears Montreal. That is the only explanation I can come up with given their unremitting bais against Montreal..and Quebec in general.


    I 100% agree with this. It's why I cancelled my Gazette subscription and no longer listen to CJAD.


    Even though French isn't my language of preference, I'm subscribed to La Presse and listen to Radio Canada.

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