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Messages posté(e)s par SKYMTL

  1. 1 hour ago, qwerty said:

    I would rather concentrate on a return of the EXPOS instead of holding my breath for this.

    I am a positive guy who sees Mtl with a bright future but this thing looks like a scam - they have everyone one and his dog on their knees to welcome them... Good nego tactic to be franck..

    Let's not lose the perspective that the real business reasons to relocate are very unclear and i think this RFP is a meaningless piece of paper. I would concentrate on High Tech Mtl companies and give them as much as possible to perform in their respective environment, the benefits for our society would be much higher.

    Let's talk about this again when we see the gag-worthy price tag the MLB will charge for that and how many hundreds of millions are demanded by the eventual ownership group to build a stadium.  

  2. 3 minutes ago, MtlMan said:

    Un instant : HQ2 est prévu pour 2019, oui, mais pas 50 000 emplois d'un seul coup!! Ce sera graduel. On parle de 50 000 et d'un total de 5 G sur une dizaine d'années. Y'a moyen d'organiser dans ce contexte.

    True.  But there would need to be room for expansion from an initial 5-7000 to a potential 50,000.  That means space has to be allotted from the beginning.  

  3. I'm trying to imagine somewhere in Montreal that could handle an influx of +/- 50,000 workers in a condensed location.  Downtown would be off limits due to the "campus" nature of large tech companies.  Good examples could be seen with NVIDIA, Apple, Google, etc. headquarters, none of which are in their respective city's CBD.  

    The only place possibly suitable near downtown Montreal would be in the open Technoparc space off of HIghway 10 next to the Victoria bridge.   

    Unfortunately it won't be done in time (AHQ2 is slated for 2019) but wouldn't it be nice to see an Amazon campus as part of the rehabilitated Turcot, taking the place of the demolished highways east of the Ville St Pierre interchange?  It would be close to green spaces along the Lachine Canal, restaurants around Angringnon and public transport options.  

    Alternately, wouldn't Amazon be an amazing fit for the Éco-Campus Hubert Reeves project? ;)


    The only thing I can think about though is how all these mayors and cities lined up for Amazon remind me of pigs crowding around a feeding trough.  I have a feeling Amazon has already short-listed a few cities, namely Detroit, Austin and possibly Montreal & Toronto.  

  4. 7 hours ago, ConcordiaSalus said:

    Just got back from business in Vancouver. The view from Stanley park of the city skyline is truly impressive however things quickly go to hell when you take an actual stroll on the streets where all the glass condos are. Some parts feel like ghost towns with no interaction at the street level. It's a beautiful city but that can't help to feel soulless or generic in many areas. I was glad to be back in Montreal with our old school street/facade interactions that actually have a logic to them (narrow shops on the first floor, clinics/dance schools etc on the second floor, apartments on the higher ones) and which maximize the liveliness at street level.

    Agreed, which is why I scratch my head when folks here get all excited about the "canyons" being created on Rene Levesque and other areas.  They're soulless and represent a detached sense of urbanism  from decades ago.  

    • Like 2
  5. Looks like there's massive banners set up for three separate towers already and the work is moving very quickly.  

    I'm just not sure how this is a TOD concept though other than its access to the Mascouche train line.  The bus stops on the corner of L'Acadie and Sauve are already overtaxed without an influx of +/- 800 more residents.  

  6. Quote

    La Ville de Montréal a présenté le bilan de la tenue de la première course de Formule E dans la métropole. La firme evenko, qui gérait la billetterie, a indiqué que 45 000 personnes ont pris part à l'événement. Elle a toutefois catégoriquement refusé de dire quelle part des billets avait été distribuée gratuitement. «On n'était pas là pour vendre», a simplement dit son président Jacques Aubé.

    What the actual !#$%?  

  7. After being at the race, I have to say that I enjoyed it immensely.  Much more exciting than F1 even though the cars sound like remote controlled toys.  

    There's also something to say about having this downtown instead of on Ile Notre Dame.  Access to the site is 1000x easier, there are multiple Metro options and the public transport to / from the area was well organized.  What turned me off F1 was the fact that you either had to wait hours for a Metro to get off the island or you had to wait hours to get out of the car park.  With the ePrix, you can simply walk to a pick up point, hop on one of two Metro lines or do what we did:  walk down to the Old Port for dinner and some drinks.  I loved it.  

    • Like 4
  8. I happen to like it but ONLY in the context of where it is.  It fits well with the turn of the century vibe of that area with Victoria Square, etc.  I know some folks here only like a building if it is a slab of high tech glass but I feel that kind of look wouldn't fit this area at all.  


    Like people have already said, it all comes down to quality materials.  If this is prefab then shame on the developer.  If it is noble materials like aged copper, linestone, etc then it will look stunning.  

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