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Messages posté(e)s par SKYMTL

  1. 3 million square feet can be built upwards as well with the new bottling line technology.  

    However, what Molson has now would need to be kept so quick access to logistics.  The corner of Dickson and Notre Dame would make sense but Notre Dame is a freaking mess already with all the Port traffic. 


  2. 1 hour ago, peekay said:

    Très bons points tout le monde. Je suis maintenant indifferent par rapport aux Jardins Winsor. Mais je peux vous dire que c'était pas mal déprimant pour les amateurs de baseball au début des années 2000. 

    What could have been....


    2017-06-22 10-45-25.png


    C'mon guys!  It's not to late to demolish the disaster that's Jardins Windsor!  Who is with me!?  I'll supply the shovels and hard hats.  



  3. I was talking to one of my friends who works at the city planning office.  

    Supposedly while the Blue Bonnets redevelopment will factor heavily into the planning, there's no indication there will be additional discussions or traffic studies involving the impact or even existence of Carbonleo's Royalmount project.  That's super worrying IMO.  

    • Like 1
  4. I love this project!  It is so quintessentially Montreal!  Why worry about construction detours when you can build a main artery extension with a detour already in place!?  One that will SURELY cause traffic chaos.

    Can you feel the sarcasm?  I mean what kind of idiocy is this proposal? Are you kidding me?  I'm hoping this was one dated from the 80's....


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  5. We can complain all we want but who is trying to make a difference?  Personally I wrote a letter to the borough councilor about situations like this last year.  Did any of you guys?  Takes about as long as posting on this forum....

    • Like 4
  6. Quote

    À regarder les stocks sur Airbnb, plus de la moitié des quelque 535 condos de la tour sont en location court terme.

    Add in others like the HomeAway / VRBO group, Flipkey and the folks who advertise on TripAdvisor and its possible that fully 3/4 of the building was bought for short term rentals.  

    I mean it makes sense in an odd way.  Less rights than tenants, make enough money in 10 occupied days than a tenant would be paying every month, spotty government regulation......its a no brainer.

    Its a perfect storm here actually.  Overpriced downtown hotels, low property prices and a city tourists love.  Compare that with something like Toronto where property prices are so high and hotel rates have a slight sense of equilibrium and suddenly people would have to list their AirBnB properties at rates higher than a typical hotel to turn a profit.  Meanwhile, here you can put your $400K condo up for short term rental at $200 a night and still turn a hefty profit with only 15 nights a month booked.  Add in that those same properties seem to be going for about $350+ a night during Grand Prix, Just for Laughs and the Jazz Fest and suddenly listing on a vacation service seems mighty interesting.  

    • Like 1
  7. Quote

    “The project in Pierrefonds is not our business,” said the Kirkland mayor. “ I won’t go meet (Pierrefonds-Roxboro mayor) Jim Beis and say to him, ‘Listen, I want to get in your kitchen and paint your kitchen a certain colour’. It’s none of our business…we’re not for or against.”

    Annnnnnd.....this is the walled garden / private fiefdom idiocy the agglomeration process should have solved.  My God the ignorance of Montreal mayors knows no bounds.  Of COURSE it is in your best interest to coordinate with your neighbors.   

    • Like 2
  8. I'm a bit confused about what this is all about.  While the strike positions of other unions (Police, Fire, Ambulance, etc.) are usually quite clear, I have to say this one is a bit murky for me.  

    On the radio they've taken out ads saying "this week I have custody of my child, I deserve time off" and "I need time with my family but my boss says I need to come in to work".  Seems like these are issues pretty much every 9-5 non-unionized worker has to deal with on a daily basis.  

    If paid time off equality (or some form thereof) is requested, I think there's a pretty straightforward solution:  abolish the Construction Holiday and replace that with 10 days of standard vacation.   

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