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Messages posté(e)s par SKYMTL

  1. 3 minutes ago, rufus96 said:

    Ghastly looking building. There was no local Montreal architect to design this thing? Someone who might actually care about this building's presence and overall integration?

    Good old Cadillac Fairview farming this job out to a Toronto firm. 

    At least they got one thing right - this building perfectly reflects the performance of its namesake. Mr. Molson smiling all the way.

    I'm totally OK with the architectural firm on this one.  Remember, they also did L'Avenue which (IMO) is one of Montreal's more stunning new buildings.

    This has less to do with the firm but rather their client's intent and in this case the intent is obviously flawed.  

    • Like 1
  2. You can totally tell how that picture went down:  

    -  Painter is hanging off building and PR shill leans over the edge

    PR person:  "Hey man, get up here!  Quick!  The mayor needs a picture with you in front of this mural!"  

    Painters:  "WTF?  Can't you see I'm busy and this thing isn't done yet!?"

    PR person:  "Don't you know it's ELECTION TIME!?  This painting won't be done till AFTER the election and we need this picture NOW!"

    Result:  Codere grinning like a doofus in front of yet another incomplete Montreal project while painters look like they would like to be back on that wall.   

    • Like 1
  3. Quote

    Fait particulier, tant les promoteurs immobiliers et les propriétaires de terrains que les citoyens se sont dits insatisfaits de l'exercice lancé par la Ville. De leur côté, propriétaires et promoteurs ont été déçus que les plans sur lesquels ils travaillaient depuis 2005 - et dont 22 versions différentes ont été produites - n'aient pas même été soumis en consultation publique. De l'autre, les citoyens se sont montrés méfiants devant cette absence, craignant que les dés ne soient pipés. 


    Autre inconnue, l'OCPM note que Montréal n'a toujours pas évalué le risque d'inondation dans ce secteur durement touché par la crue survenue le printemps dernier, événement qui a d'ailleurs perturbé le calendrier de la consultation publique.

    Sorry, how the heck does this even happen?  The lack of professional practice in this town knows no ends.  

  4. I'm hoping it will be LESS that 120m.  

    We need some height variation since -especially from the south- Rene Levesque is starting to look like a picket fence due to there being little to no north / south development of 100M+ structures.  

    • Like 1
  5. 23 hours ago, greenlobster said:

    Imagine how much some states are willing to give to get this project. The state of Wisconsin will be  approving this week a 2.85 billion cash payment to get Foxconn's new flat screen  plant creating 13,000 jobs. That means we are looking at 8 to 10 billion in handouts for a 50,000 job company. It's becoming ridiculous. Look what Boston gave to get GE. There is no more limit. 

    $220,000 per job doesn't seem to be all that bad considering the various industries that will need to be set up surrounding the Foxconn plant.  IMO at least.....

    The real question is whether or not those will be high paying jobs or simple manual labor positions that go for $12/hr in the USA.  

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