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Messages posté(e)s par SKYMTL

  1. 14 hours ago, nephersir7 said:

    Ils n'ont pas d'images du projet gagnant du concours.:(

    Tout ce qu'ils avaient à montrer c'est ça :



    Think this is the most important post of this thread.  

    THANKS for the info.  

    As a side note:  projected images that don't take up the full projector screen are a pet peeve of mine.  

    • Haha 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, SkahHigh said:

    Or maybe your infos are outdated? I don't know. I don't see why Vachon would tell the media two weeks ago that they selected a proposition when they haven't.

    I agree.  Moreover, why is the firm my friend works for still creating renderings?

    Either way this should be interesting!

  3. I'm pretty sure the final renderings won't be shown.  The architectural contest hasn't finished and a winner hasn't been chosen as far as I know.  

    Also, at least one of the proposals is well under 46 floors.  46 floors is maximum based on height restrictions versus typical ceiling heights but the total number of stories will be based upon the winning proposition's footprint versus number of square feet the project requires.  For example, a larger baseline footprint with increased floor slab area for the tower section will lead to a shorter building.  

    Priority for at least one proposal is being given to preserving views of condo buyers in the neighboring tower.  The one I know about is 34 floors in its current form.    

    Source:  a close friend who works at one of the approached architecture firms.  

    • Thanks 2
  4. 24 minutes ago, SkahHigh said:

    Don’t think so, there isn’t any work going on at Fairview if you look at the Info-Travaux section on the REM website.

    There is work ongoing not far from there on the 40 though.

    Yeah, looking at the Info-Travaux section (which is really well done!) there doesn't seem to be anything going on there.....which makes me wonder what all the fuss is about in that corner of the parking lot.  

  5. Those are going to be the most incredible penthouses in the city IMO.  Broccolini is effectively using their land to insure the setback of this tower provides unobstructed views for penthouse buyers.  Add to that the stepped slope and WOW, I wish I could afford one!  

    As for the BNC tower, this really isn't the place for that discussion.  ;) 

  6. Once again, the majority of units have been put aside for real-estate agents.  Just got off the phone with my agent at Sotheby's and they supposedly "reserved" a dozen or so even before the pre-sale.  That will lead to higher prices right from the start since many of the most desirable units have already been reserved even before the public gets to see them.  

    This agent reservation system wherein real estate agents are able to pay the developer for early access has to stop.  It is exactly what happened in Toronto years ago and it is one of the factors which contributed to rapid price inflation.     

    • Sad 1
  7. Could this be part of a little battle?  TDC @ 55, Broccolini @ 56 to claim the title of Montreal's tallest.  There's certainly some prestige attached to that.    

    Also, just finished reading the draft law that would put a social housing component into new developments in Montreal.  Broccolini is able to bypass it here since over 40% of their development will be commercial / office in nature.  I wouldn't be surprised to see CF do the same thing by lumping 600 Peel and 750 Peel into the same "development".  Nice little loophole indeed!

    • Like 2
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  8. There are some novel ways to eliminate graffiti application, some of which have been done well in and around Montreal.  

    Take the Aut 10 south of the Champlain Bridge as a great example.  The concrete acoustic walls were constantly covered in terrible graffiti tags until some actual graffiti ARTISTS (not to be mistaken for those little punk taggers) were commissioned.  Now the area doesn't see any tags over the artwork since the graffiti ART is respected.  

    Its also possible to make a "green" wall with climbing vegetation but that would require an effort on the MTQ's part to regularly prune the greenery.  As we've seen from the decrepit condition of the highway brush cleaning year after year, that would be too much to ask of the bureaucrats.  

  9. The more I look at this, the more I like it.....but only if it lives alongside the REM. 

    There are some good proposals here but I'm trying to understand why this would effectively replace the REM rather than compliment it.  It seems the only reason the PQ really has for cancelling the REM is because it is a "Liberal project".  Otherwise, the REM fits everything Lisee has described for taking cars off the road. 

    So basically we as a community are being asked to sacrifice a seemingly great project because it is (once again) politically expedient to make it a hot-button issue.  Quite frustrating.   

    Plus, every time I see the word "tram" I cringe.  If that isn't a black hole of endless studies to the level of Cavendish, I don't know what is.  

    • Thanks 1
  10. Watched the whole thing.  All I can say is:  they've learned nothing from the past.  My goodness what a mess they would create with this initiative.  

    My reaction while watching:  :o

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, franktko said:

    J'adore cette densité :thumbsup:

    It's terrible. 

    Being that close to another buildings when there are adjacent open lots (but with lower height restrictions) does nothing but highlight poor urban planning.  Density through maximizing developable opportunities is a great thing.  However, that picture highlights what happens when a city artificially constricts development and builders are forced to cluster their high rises in one small area.   It lowers quality of life for people living in wall-off condos and heightens risk that a fire in one building can jump to another.  

    • Like 4
    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
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