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Messages posté(e)s par SKYMTL

  1. Condos of that size are AirBnB bait.  Or a pied-à-terre for people who've moved outside the city in the last few years but still want a downtown unit. 

    As Montreal (hopefully) rebounds, its something we're actively looking at too, though the layout of this one vs others is just atrocious.  

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Rocco said:

    Ils ont clairement des problèmes d'approvisionnement de verre des balcons. Ça n'avance tout simplement pas.

    Our gazing suppliers have a backlog of 19 weeks right now for standard orders.  For custom orders like they're using here, its around 30 weeks.  Its a disaster.  We're importing what we can from the USA but the delays only improve by a few weeks.  

    • Like 2
  3. On 2021-09-09 at 4:24 PM, Rocco said:

    Some people don't seem to know how to count. Still 5 cranes on site. Bien comptées.


    When people have a ground-side view and don't see the two Guay 100 ton cranes setting up to dismantle two of those this coming week....get up onto the 40.  At most there's going to be 3x left.  


  4. I know people who work at Mel's and there's NO WAY this is needed. 

    Even before the pandemic they were idle for almost half the year as other provinces (BC, Ontario, etc.) have much more favorable filming conditions than here.  Their studios were empty for the most part with even the few Quebec-based shoots preferring to use Mel's mobile units and then using other resources for post-production work.  

    This feels like a way to pay the TVA group of companies "back" for towing the CAQ line through the pandemic.  That $25 million could have been so much better spent helping out the smaller grassroots studios that are the backbone of the Quebec film industry and who suffered the most these last two years.   

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. If I see the words "human scale" from another one of the news pundits...I'm gonna gag.  

    Its such an overused catch-all term that's completely lost meaning.  I mean look at Singapore, it has towering skyscrapers but worked doubly hard on green space projects and requiring a lot of new developments to be set back from the street rather than delivering those terrible "canyons" everyone around here seems to love so much. In the end it balances everything out and make it feel like a livable city. 

    This is the exact opposite of what NYC, Toronto and even Montreal have done.  I say balance green spaces with higher development before going forward with raising a height limit.

    • Like 3
  6. 23 hours ago, Malek said:

    Guys, losing à bombardier or cirque du soleil is not losing the corner shop. 

    These things take decades to build and won’t come back ever again if they falter. 

    We cannot simply let it go, that would be a disastrous decision. 

    No.  Investing that money in small business development instead would guarantee long term success in new industries.  As it stands, its the small business that pay for propping up the larger ones with tax handouts, buybacks, etc.  Its unacceptable and needs to stop.  

    If a large publicly traded or private company can't support itself, the government has NO BUSINESS propping it up.  Period.   

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. Here's a novel idea:  stop naming public infrastructure projects after public figures.  This all just becomes an ego trip for everyone involved on both sides of the debate.  

    Name them after the locations they serve.  Not that hard is it?  Not only that it helps people identify WHERE the station / stop is.  its one of the cornerstones of public transport "language".  London, Toronto, New York...even Paris have this. 

    Its like naming a gate at the airport "Lucien Bouchard" gate instead of ordering them numerically.    It would be pure idiocy IMO.  

    Sometimes I just think this city complicates things for no good reason whatsoever.  

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