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Messages posté(e)s par SKYMTL

  1. 11 minutes ago, monctezuma said:

    Il y avait un évènement ce matin pour ce projet qui semblait rassembler des courtiers, quelqu'un est au courant?

    Its the usual pre-sales to real estate agents.  That way they can reserve choice units and then both them and the developer can mark up all units to maximize profit.  Its a well known tactic in Toronto and its started here too.  This is why people attending the "VIP Sale" for TDC, YUL2, etc. arrived to a limited selection of choice units.  

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  2. 14 hours ago, theWestisDead said:

    I think they really need to come up with a global plan for the building.  This gradual, piecemeal replacement of concrete with windows makes Place Bonaventure look even worse.  

    The plan should be a complete demolition.  Everything from the interior to the exterior is falling apart.  Its also a terrible place to host events; hot, stinky, cramped and designed in an era with every different needs than today.   

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  3. 7 minutes ago, budgebandit said:

    I'm going to Tokyo in July and you can bet I'm gonna go check out Ginza Six. The proximity to de la Savane will encourage many tourists to do the same with Royalmount Quinze40. 

    I've been to Ginza Six.  I'd say it is more akin to what Complexe Les Ailes was trying to accomplish rather than Quinze40.  

  4. 7 hours ago, ScarletCoral said:

    Parlant de centres commerciaux,  Serge Goulet de Devimco disait il y a quelques jours  à propos d'un projet de 3 milliards de $ près de Griffintown :

    “What’s particular about this project is that it will be a job-creation hub,” he said. “Fifteen years ago, the anchor for major projects was the shopping centre. The proposed project, however, will be an anchor for employment, he said, without providing further details.”

    (Rappelons que Carbonleo est né de Devimco après que les deux co-présidents soient partis chacun de leur bord!)

    The anchor here is still a shopping mall.  

    For some reason there's this odd belief in these statements that somehow such a center will create NEW opportunities for commerce and employment.  That's a complete fallacy. 

    Simply put, the commercial side of this equation (a shopping mall) will simply contribute to lower traffic towards neighboring shopping malls.  For example, Place Vertu, Rockland, Smart Centres Decarie, etc. will all be negatively impacted.  The employment opportunities will simply shift as well, creating an almost net zero effect upon employment.  They aren't creating new DEMAND, they're just building more SPACE.  

  5. Someone needs to start asking some very serious questions about Evenko's near-monopoly on events here in Montreal. 

    There's Formula-E, the destruction of Jean-Drapeau for an Evenko amphitheater and the mess that occurred when they took over the pre-season baseball games just to name a few.    

    If anything we need to ask MORE questions rather than less.  

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  6. 2 minutes ago, SkahHigh said:

    The 1000 de la Montagne will be farther back, almost on Lucien-L’Allier, while this one will be directly on de la Montagne, so I don’t think there’s much of an issue there.

    Maybe but I think it all depends on where the tower is placed relative to its base / podium.  

  7. 5 minutes ago, mark_ac said:

    I doubt this to be true. From a revenue perspective, the Per Sq Ft in Toronto is at least 1.5/2x of Montreal. Building costs don't vary materially.

    The contractor cost here in Montreal is substantially less than in TO.  That accounts for a large chunk of any project budget.  

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