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Messages posté(e)s par SKYMTL

  1. Was there one of those agent-only sales a few weeks ago for Phase 1? 

    Basically it allows real estate agents to get first dibs on units and they then flip them with a markup.  That markup increases as units artificially "sell out".  

    Guess it "sold out".  

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 2019-08-05 at 8:57 PM, peekay said:

    I wonder if the developpers are cheap and don't care about esthetics/archetecture or if our construction industry is inflating prices to the point that they are eating into developper's margins. Regardless, I would rather see a parking lot than ugly buildings.


    I was watching an episode of B1M where they covered Marriott's new approach of factory-building modular components for their hotels in Poland and then shipping them to North America since construction costs here have risen something like 30% since 2013 due to a lack of skilled labor and build time increased by 50%.   

    You can see the video here:   Really fascinating.   

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  3. So would that be the Montreal Rays or the Tampa Bay Expos?  

    Personally I think this is a great idea if only to prove that a lot of people TALK about wanting the Expos back but very few will actually GO to regular games.  

    IMO, this idea for a half and half team is doomed to failure since maintaining a fan base will be impossible.  

  4. 8 hours ago, ScarletCoral said:

    Il y en a déjà une au 19 avenue Laurier Ouest, peinte en 2016

    Dans le cadre du 15e anniversaire de la disparition de Mordecai Richler et du 85e anniversaire de sa naissance, MU a voulu rendre hommage au grand écrivain montréalais. Romancier, essayiste et scénariste, Mordecai Richler est l’auteur de dix romans dont Cocksure et St. Urbain’s Horseman, tous deux prix du Gouverneur général, de nombreux scénarios, d’essais et de livres pour enfants comme la collection des Jacob Two-Two qui ont reçu de nombreux prix. M. Richler a par ailleurs été fait compagnon de l’Ordre du Canada en 2001.

    La murale est réalisée sur la rue Laurier Ouest, à deux pas de la rue Saint-Urbain, une rue qui a vu grandir Mordecai Richler et qui sert de décor à bon nombre de ses romans. La bibliothèque du Mile-End, qui porte son nom depuis mars 2015, est située non loin de là, avenue du Parc.

    Le choix des artistes s’est arrêté sur Dominique Desbiens et Bruno Rouyère, deux artistes-plasticiens, respectivement peintre et illustrateur. Au fil des ans, plusieurs bandes- dessinées, tableaux, peintures et murales ont été réalisées par le duo, en atelier et devant public.

    Cette murale fait partie de la collection Les bâtisseurs culturels montréalais. Initiée en 2010 par MU, cette série vise à reconnaitre l’inestimable contribution des créateurs de la métropole de différentes disciplines artistiques, qu’ils soient montréalais d’origine ou d’adoption, au rayonnement local, national et international de la scène culturelle montréalaise.

    Des ateliers d’art mural ont également été offerts à des jeunes de 13-17 ans, en partenariat avec la maison de jeunes Jeunesse au Soleil sur Marianne.




  5. 1 minute ago, vincethewipet said:

    Dans l'art contemporain, c'est justement le genre de curiosité et de remise en question qui est souvent voulu dans une oeuvre.

    Pour certains ça donne le goût de vomir, pour d'autres non, mais ça fait réagir et ça suscite une émotion :P.

    Completely understand.  I'll make sure to remind you of "contemporary art" when taggers use that as a blank canvas for their own version of "contemporary art".  :P :P

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Walkscore said:

    I think it's gonna be black aluminum plates for this tower. I don't think it's gonna be bricks. Could be grey though, it's not really easy to tell since the renders are kind of depicting the effect of sunlight on the building. 

    If we look at these two renders of common areas, it's likely to be black aluminum plates if we look closely





    It seems like whenever architects want to disguise the colors / materials of their buildings they use sunset / night renders.  

    It'll be interesting to see if they clad in something like Alpolic, especially since the construction of the exterior would then have to be concrete which is then clad in aluminum composite.  

  7. After a DECADE of that embarrassment (not to mention how dangerous that whole area is) we still get this?  What in the shows up on their planning docs too so its not just a little rendering error.  🙄🙄  There is an absolute disconnect here between the expansion of PET, the amount of traffic, safety and the final layout.     



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  8. 20 hours ago, ERJ-Boy said:

    lobby groups? We're talking about the metropolitan board asking the government to follow the zoning plan as voted in 2011... 

    The project wasn't that far advanced, and the government is not starting from scratch, just reviewing the 5 other options that were on the table and that would respect the zoning plan. They even said that they should still respect the deadline they set before (2026). 

    Where do I start?

    The Farmers' Union lobbied the metropolitan board:

    The land in question isn't even farmable.

    Expropriations were underway.

    The 2011 zoning is ridiculously out of date and out of touch with current regional realities.  

    Any other land acquisition would need to go through the same process (it took three years this time)  



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    • D'accord 1
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  9. As someone who lives in the region, this is getting to be ridiculous.  Lives are at stake here; with the extreme overcrowding at Lakeshore and Suroit (200%+ on a daily basis), the only option is Hawkesbury.  Politicking while the residents are suffering alongside inflation means the cost has gradually increased to pretty astronomical levels.    

    There is no "perfect" location for this thing but giving in to every lobbying group means it will be in limbo for another decade.  That's just unacceptable.   

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  10. Personally I think its an eyesore and I'm one of the most anti-NIMBY people around.  But this thing is like having a two inch pimple on the butt of a supermodel.  Even if its temporary this is an abortion of monumental proportion and basically sticks a middle finger up at one of Montreal's most beautiful locations. 

    I mean of all the architectural designs possible, WHY a knock off version of the Luxor?  

    /end rant    

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