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Messages posté(e)s par SKYMTL

  1. I don't think Bombardier should get a penny of federal handouts. HOWEVER, there is a way to properly feed them the necessary funds though in a more mutually beneficial process: have them compete in certain upcoming defense contracts.


    A) FWSAR project. This is a perfect fit for a slightly modified version of their Dash-8. This is an idea that has been floated by several think tanks already.


    B) Maritime Patrol. Canada will soon need to replace its fleet of aging patrol aircraft. Bombardier has teamed up with Boeing for the CL-605 MSA concept which uses a CRJ airframe for the basis of an inexpensive but very versatile MPA that uses existing technologies.


    Et voila. Two key programs that Bombardier could easily win which Canada could use to leverage home grown companies and NOT give out a corporate welfare cheque without a net ROI.

  2. I won't be surprised if they moved Q400 production in mexico to lower cost in the same time asking for subsidies to mexican government. They were supposed to subcontract the production of a hundred Q400's in russia but with russian embargo the deal failed.


    Boeing is doing the huge part of his manufacturing in seattle-everett area. They shut down the mcdonell douglas plant in california.

    Out of 6 facilities 4 are located in washington state. One is located in Louisiana for Rocket and space related stuff.

    And the only airplane assembly plant out of washington state is located in south carolina for 787 production.


    I think you proved my point though. Multinationals can't put all their eggs in one basket for a variety of reasons. Neither can Bombardier.

  3. If federal doesn't support Bombardier then we should get Q400 and Global production to be done in montreal. And shut down downsview plant and sell the land.


    Bombardier needs Downsview with or without federal money. Much like Airbus and Boeing are spread across the EU and the USA respectively, no large Fortune 500 company can centralize production like that.

  4. Je crois que tu n'as pas lu toute la plainte.


    C'est les articles des cahiers "Xtra", qui ne font pas partie des publications quotidiennes (des cahiers supplémentaires "Hors Série", qui ne sont pas accessibles directement dans les éditions quotidiennes, mais dans une autre section de l'application).


    C'est facilement identifiable et honnêtement, il me semblait évident depuis bien longtemps qu'il s'agissait de pub. Le "journal électronique" quotidien n'est pas plus une pub que le journal ordinaire.


    L'article de ce fil à été publié dans le cahier "Affaire", une section régulière du journal. Ce n'est pas une pub.


    Ahhhhh. Merci!

  5. What? What are you talking about? That isn't true. La Presse is no longer available in a printed version.

    La Presse+ is their tablet newspaper.


    My guess is you didn't see the complaint logged by the writers union and Conseil de presse du Québec.



    Quite a bit of La Presse+'s articles are, in fact, paid advertisement pieces for companies and special interest groups.

  6. Rona has been struggling massively in these last few years and, if anything, this purchase will likely lead to more jobs being created here even if they do end up closing the head office.


    The purchase of Rona gives Lowes access to an additional and robust Quebec-based supplier network. That network will likely start reaping the benefits of the low Canadian dollar as large American companies like Lowes and Home Depot focus their purchasing power towards Canada.


    Based upon their balance sheets, Rona likely wouldn't have lasted another decade before serious "restructuring". Better to be bought up than go the way of other retailers like Liz Claiborne, Style Exchange, Jacob, etc....all of who had their head offices here but are now gone due to a lack of overseas or local investments.


    I'm still struggling to understand why folks are comparing this to the Rio Tinto / Alcan deal though. There are virtually no similarities. I see this as a win / win unlike the purchase years ago of La Senza by Victoria's Secret / Cerberus Capital. In that situation the writing was on the wall that jobs would be abolished.

  7. ".......we are just looking for tenants"


    And the sky is blue and tomorrow, the sun will rise.


    Jesus, how idiotic is that guy's statement? If there would be tenants lining up for all these projects, Montreal would look like Toronto by now.....but there aren't a huge number of NEW tenants actively looking (other than inter-urban relocations) for large square footage.

  8. I heard that people who put $5000 security deposits for higher floors that weren't in the original design (ie: 39+) have been contacted via email. The email supposedly says the developer will not be using them as the tower will remain as-is despite city approvals.


    Hopefully someone else can confirm since I'm still waiting for proof of this email. :(

  9. I hate to say this but if publications like The Gazette would avoid these click-bait articles and not give page time to small-minded individuals who are still stuck in the 60's, folks like PK Subban wouldn't be "dragged into" these ridiculous debates.


    Writing an article like they did simply legitimizes otherwise-meaningless drivel.

  10. Can you give us a link to your dashboard?


    I also believe that TdC was allocating a set of units for different brokers and that these brokers had exclusivity on the units...


    Unfortunately, it is a broker-oriented paid application from EV which shows local unit availability for investors. I'm not sure about the copyright terms so I'll hold off posting screenshots for the time being.

  11. You should have read the previous page. 91% of all units are already sold and those are confirmed numbers, not projected.


    I just looked on my dashboard and it seems like more than 50% of the units are being sold through two brokers: Rai Hansrani and Jolly Deol / Step 2 Real Estate. They are listed as still available with the latest update being this morning at 10AM.


    It could very well be that 10% is all that's available at the sales office.

  12. I was at the meeting. A group of us were successful in completely shutting down every one of the nonsensical points brought up by the petition-handlers. We actually had a half dozen people completely remove themselves from the petition right there at the meeting since the people who went door to door presenting the petition completely misrepresented the project.


    After a resident requested that councillors explain their rationales


    That would be me. ;)


    Our study shows an increase that will be approximately 900 vehicles during peak hours


    This was shot down by another member of our group since it completely misrepresents facts once again. The supposed 900 vehicles would be traveling in different directions (ie: 600 vehicles into the business area + 300 vehicles traveling out from the residential zone) and would be spread over completely different times.


    Essentially, there is a large number of the YIMBY (yes, in my back yard) residents onboard with this one and we're going to fight just as hard to get this project approved as the folks who are trying to scuttle it.

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