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Messages posté(e)s par SKYMTL

  1. Proof positive that if there's a feeding trough, there's always pigs trying to force their way in....


    And I agree, the Blue Line extension shouldn't even be on the books considering that whatever the AMT touches turns to massive cost overruns. They need to get their crap together before putting out their hands for more money.


    Les p'tites querelles poliitiques recommencent... Vivement la caisse qui enlève les politicailleries du débat.


  2. I think the Ste Anne's station would have the be very carefully considered not only due to the amount of protected land that would need to be utilized for a station + accompanying car park but also what the tracks would cut through. Looking at a map,


    It can't be to the north of HWY 40 since that would disrupt the Morgan reserve but south of the 40 you have the industrial park which completely pens in Ste Anne's to the east, making running track quick a challenge. That goes for the entire West Island portion of the link.


    The only thing I can think of is they'll use part of the overly large Hydro Quebec Right Of Way that exists along Salaberry and then turn south at some point. However, the howls that will raise in the community will likely kibosh that thought faster than greased lightning. South of the 40 would cause the same problems.

  3. A few things that I want to add to this discussion, being a West Island and Vaudreuil commuter.


    - Like it or not, any stations located within the West Island (particularly the one in Ste Anne) will NEED true multi-level parking to be successful. Adding LRT stations is a great idea in theory but the other levels of commuter transport required to actually get people to those stations just isn't up to the task. This is why stations like Vaudreuil have done very little, if anything, to get cars off the road since to actually get there you need to drive and then you arrive to find no available parking. Want to get cars off the highways? Give us proper parking at the outlier stations!


    - Areas around the stations really need to be rezoned for higher density development with a proper TOD approach. Without that, you get into the situation I describe above.


    - By all indications the Île-aux-Tourtes bridge will need to be replaced VERY soon as evidenced by the extremely long time its taking to repair a single crack. I'd love to see the line extend over any new bridge with a termination point around where the new hospital is being proposed, again with multi level parking. Not only would this give access to residents but also hopefully alleviate some of the congestion on the 30 / 40 merge.


    - The timeline for this project is hugely ambitious. I understand 2020 is a goal for the "first trains" and they don't actually mention WHICH trains but I'm guessing they will be on the Champlain Bridge -> downtown link. The question remains about the remainder of the lines, especially when you take into account inflation, etc.

  4. I find the word substantially to be quite an exageration. The differential between both cities has been approximately 3 degrees in the last years. That means that when it's -15 in Mtl, it's -12 in Tor. Nothing to get outside in a bikini.......


    Look at their average temperature difference from October to April. ;) 5.7 degrees. That's huge.

  5. While I do hate the look of much of today's architecture in Montreal, I don't think that glass curtain walls are the way to go. I have plenty of friends in Toronto who live in these glass towers and for the most part they hate them. Too cold in the winter due to poor insulation across the outside-facing wall and too hot in the summer. Winters in Montreal at substantially more brutal than in Toronto and with the level of condo construction quality here being equal or worse than that of Toronto, I don't think all-glass facades are a good solution.

  6. Parce que c'est l'un ou l'autre?

    C'est assez simple comme réflexion. Tu seras facilement surpris. ;)


    Because as we have seen time and again, reasonable accommodation is never enough for special interest groups. To insure profitability, a project cannot be majority social housing; that's been proven everywhere from New York to Copenhagen to Paris. It kills investment. It ghettoizes the sector. It destroys the urban fabric. It leads to a lack communal motivation to aspire to a higher station in life.


    Meanwhile, anything but majority social housing will insure this project keeps getting kicked down the road; such is the way with said special interest groups.

  7. Another joke of a project that's been treated like a hot potato for more than a decade.


    Let's be honest here:


    1) Higher priced condos that would be priced at market rates and breathe life into the area = will be called gentrification and protests will follow


    2) Community housing-focused project = the area will become ghettoized, most buyers will stay away and business won't move in.


    It's a lose / lose situation.

  8. Il faudrait les changer souvent... ils vont se déchirés avec les tempêtes... :confused:


    les t-shirts en question




    c'est vraiment bizarre... je peux pas croire qu'il n'y avait pas meilleure proposition que ça...


    le sondage sur le site du JdeMontreal :

    <label class="pds-feedback-label">Beau 27.2% (102 votes) </label>

    <label class="pds-feedback-label"> Laid 72.8% (273 votes) </label>


    Répondants 375



    Montréal avait donné 44 chaises au coût de 200 000 $ à Québec pour son 400e

    voir : Québec City - Sculptures - 'Rêver le Nouveau Monde' 2008 - by Michel Goulet - Stainless steel - Gare-du-Palais C20090718 106


    WTF is this?

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