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Messages posté(e)s par denpanosekai

  1. Est-ce que présentement il y a des fouilles en prenant le train vers les USA? Les douanes ça prends combien de temps? Faut arriver combien de temps à l'avance pour prendre le train en partance des USA?


    Quelqu'un l'as déjà pris de Montréal vers New York?


    12 hours Montreal to New York. Searches occur at point of entry. Can take up to two hours for a full train. I've witnessed illegal immigrants get detained in both directions.

  2. Can someone explain to me who or what lemay-online is? They have a bunch of wishful thinking renders on their site, who pays for those? Did any of their projects come to life?


    On a related topic, does Telus not already occupy... the Telus tower?


    On a somewhat related note, damn the Concordia Visual Arts building is ugly. It may have been built in 1923 but it certainly isn't worth preserving.

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