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Messages posté(e)s par denpanosekai

  1. Je remarque qu'ils sont déjà en train de travailler sur l'édifice qui sera détruit. Je crois qu'ils enlèvent des morceaux du toît, ça sent le début des travaux de démolition !


    Yes we heard them all day :( definitely tearing it down from the inside.

  2. Why are the "dfsarch" and "lemaylab" designs so different? Which one will it be?


    Either way, that's gonna eat up part of the parking lot corner maisonneuve/montagne? fine by me!!


    In sort of related question, who owns the decrepit old building next to the Salvation Army citadel? On Drummond, and it stretches all the way to Stanley. Who was its last tenant? It's been shuttered for years.

  3. I'm curious to know about the parking involved with this building. How can they dig out 3-4 underground levels without causing damage to the existing structure? Or are they simply gonna tear it down and rebuild the facade brick-by-brick?

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