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Messages posté(e)s par universityst


    3 hours ago, Ousb said:

    Le projet le plus moche à Montréal depuis longtemps. En plein centre-ville. Au moins c’est pas bling-bling flashy :). Shame on Toronto for building those !!

    Yeah nah... Toronto and Dubai are too flashy... we're classier than them with our mini grey prisons in the heart of downtown... this great city deserves way better leadership than those «students» using it as an internship

    • Thanks 3
  2. 13 hours ago, aimebruno said:

    They were mounting a 6th crane when I passed by this morning! I was driving though, so I couldn't take pictures.

    More cranes let's go! let em talk...

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  3. 13 hours ago, Rocco said:

    Offrir des murs vierges voici ce que ça donne. Du beau travail de nos ingénieurs qui ont planifié ça de même. Un simple remblai gazonné ça leur tentais pas?


    The craziest thing is there''s zero reaction from our sclerotic government... not even a complaint to the government from city officials... third world leaders!

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