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Messages posté(e)s par universityst

  1. 1 hour ago, nephersir7 said:

    Au pays de l'autobahn, il y a des rues à 7km/h


    the first thing that jumps outta this picture is why are we, in quebec,  absolutely incapable of achieving paving of this quality?... seriously why? and dont give me the weather bullshit im talking about streets with bumps and aberrant flaws the moment they're finished!!!

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, crosbyshow said:

    Qu'est ce que le monde a à capoter pour des piliers de béton....


    C'est le propre de ce système là......Vancouver en ont de même que Dubai et Singapour pour le même système de transport....Ces villes sont pourtant pas des villes du 19e siècle et sont loin d'être des poubelles de l'humanité


    On construira pas ca sur des haies de cèdres...



    à 6.6 milliards pour 67km.....le le comprends pas....


    La ligne bleue à 800 millions du par exemple..

    Thank you man!

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Marc90 said:

    I frankly don't understand what is bad with kindergartens and fountains. 

    You clearly didn't get my point... I invite you to read it again

    6 hours ago, Marc90 said:

    Although I'm very aware some might want to criticize Valérie Plante on many points, since this administration doesn't share some people's ideology, she is as far as it can be from the Maillot Jaune movement. That comparison clearly shows a deep misunderstanding of either Projet Montreal policies or the French "Maillot Jaune" movement, or both.

    I said 'maillot jaune'... referring to cycling... not 'gilet jaune'

    6 hours ago, Marc90 said:

    Glass walls don't rime not fit with Montréal. And shouldn't. 

    Depressing!!! but I'm sure you'd be welcomed to a long career at the sad ocpm

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 2018-12-03 at 8:54 PM, Windex said:

    Je ne comprends pas trop pourquoi tu fais la promotion de ce pays...? Peut-être que tu n'en as rien à foutre des droits humains?

    J'attends avec impatience ton vidéo sur l'Arabie Saoudite!

    Ignorance at its peak!!!

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, acpnc said:

    On pourra peut-être se reprendre avec le stade de baseball en premier plan et son complexe multifonctionnel voisin. Je sais que tout cela est encore hypothétique, mais ce sera la seule façon de cacher cette pollution visuelle.

    Je l'espère aussi... puis peut-être avec les futures tours national bank et victoria ça va rapidement détourner le regard a droite lol

  6. 3 minutes ago, Rocco said:

    Un gros F**ck you de la part de Devimco à tous les automobilistes qui roulent sur l'A10 direction Montréal. Désolé pour le language coloré, c'est un hommage à Ferrandez.

    That's my route every morning and that's exactly how it feels!! I try not to look at it/think about it but that horrendous grey and white block of shame facing you while your car is bumping like crazy on that cheap roller coaster of a 'highway' is just too much... then you enter the just finished 'new' boulevard with already 2 huge potholes... 

    • Like 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, SkahHigh said:

    You know how this works right? With no money/commitment from the government, no projet can be done... It's not a matter of bureaucracy.

    The exact reason why the Liberal government reached out to CDPQ is because they could pay less for a project. They then gave powers to the CDPQ to go faster throughout the whole process and bypass everyone. So again, everything goes through our public deciders.

    I don't disagree with that, so what I'm saying is you got an opportunity here with CDPQ wanting to invest in public transportation in Mtl, take it!!! whether its to put less money or else... you want major transportation projects delivered before 2050... PUT CDPQ IN CHARGE!

  8. Il y a 3 heures, Chris1989 a dit :

    ... or if Montrealers are so beaten down with decades of infrastructure neglect and delays...

    Montrealers are beaten down with decades of what our 'mayor' is asking for!!!

    We've all seen the evidence... put CDPQ in charge and they will DELIVER (less than 2 years of planning before construction starts for the biggest infrastructure project currently in the country, the biggest in quebec in the last 50 years)


    put bureaucrats such as ARTM and company in charge and you'll get a 25 years long dream!

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    • Thanks 1
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