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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. Oscar Nominations came out this morning, and from what I can see, there are three Canadian nominations, all of which are for Quebecers!


    Denis Villeneuve's Incendies for Best Foreign Language Film


    Adrien Morot for Best Makeup (Barney's Version)


    Dean DeBlois for Best Animated Feature (co-director of How To Train Your Dragon)

  2. The wall that leads into the tunnel that links the Guy-Concordia metro station and the Hall/Library buildings has been mounted with a large Concordia sign, with the school logo. I'll try and get a picture... it looks really nice!

  3. Les coûts du CHUM explosent



    Les coûts de construction du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM) sont encore une fois revus à la hausse. Alors que le futur hôpital, qui sera construit sur l'actuel site de l'Hôpital Saint-Luc, devait coûter 1,2 milliard, il coûtera plutôt 2,089 milliards. Le gouvernement a accepté d'augmenter de 30 000 mètres carrés la superficie du projet, ce qui entraîne une hausse de 323 millions du budget.

  4. I was at Vendome yesterday, waiting for the train, and I was able to see the construction site for the first time... it is MASSIVE. I mean, I had an idea of how big the site might be, but it just exceeded every impression I had. It was pouring rain, but they were still working away... I encourage anyone who might be in the area to check it out!

  5. The bare side of the tunnel is supposed to feature art! I guess they got lazy at putting it up lol I'm sure sooner or later it'll go up. Concordia is quickly becoming one of the most advanced and beautiful universities in Canada.

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