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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. An insider on this project just posted some information on SkyscraperPage:


    Just a little info on Tour Canadiens, CF currently plans to bring the project to market summer 2012 so final information should be coming out about then. Announcements regarding the complete development team will also be made some time around Q1 2012.


    The height still remains undecided, dependent on market conditions, and currently could result in a tower ranging from a low of ~135m to a full build out of 197m.


    Fingers crossed for a strong 2012 condo market in Montreal.

  2. I'm no expert on this stuff.. does 14 foot ceilings mean the 'livable' area or the entire floor height between plates (I think that's what you call it)? Meaning 14 feet can be adjusted up slightly... because 14 feet is 4.26 metres, at 27 floors is 115 metres for the building... that's shorter than Altitude :(


    Oops, Cataclaw responded before I did haha Thanks! That answers it!

  3. Read the comments! They make me smile hehe :) Ben was just someone who got mad at the fact people seem to like Quebec more than France


    DT 05/10/11 - 19h03

    Ayant vécu quelques mois Montreal, le retour en France est vraiment difficile. L'ambiance, la vie en ville et cette impression quotidienne de liberté sont vraiment agréables !


    Philippe Julien 06/10/11 - 05h40

    À Montréal depuis 4 ans, je n'ai nulle envie de retourner en France. Retrouver Ben et ses amis, non merci ;)


    christiane ZOLGER 06/10/11 - 12h23

    Ce n'est pas mon fils Ben qui aurait écrit ce commentaire minable ! Il habitait à Montréal pour ses études et nous à Québec où nous avons enseigné. C'est l'époque de notre vie où nous avons été les plus heureux... Si avons dû rentrer en France pour des raisons professionnelles, ce n'était pas de gaieté de coeur et nous regrettons souvent cet art de vivre dont nous avons profité pendant six ans.

  4. What's really interesting is the number of Hollywood films that were not only shot here, but also take place in Montreal:


    Wait Until Dark (1967), starring Audrey Hepburn, Alan Arkin, Richard Crenna

    The Jackal (1997), starring Bruce Willis, Richard Gere, and Sidney Poitier.

    The Whole Nine Yards (2000), starring Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry.

    The Score (2001), starring Robert De Niro, Edward Norton, and Marlon Brando.

    Taking Lives (2004), starring Angelina Jolie, Ethan Hawke, and Kiefer Sutherland.

    Blades of Glory (2006), Will Ferrell, Jon Heder, Amy Poehler.


    The Whole Nine Yards and The Score have some tremendous shots of the city, and really use the scenery to their advantage, especially The Score.

    When it comes to Toronto, the only Hollywood film that comes to mind is Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010). I'll let you guys come to your own conclusions on why that is :silly:

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