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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989



    Airports Council International (ACI), the only worldwide association of airports, announced yesterday during its annual general assembly, in Bermuda, the relocation of the main ACI World office to Montréal. ACI is an international organization with 575 member airport authorities, operating over 1630 airports in 179 countries.


    "The establishment of ACI in Montréal is major economic news. The presence of this organization will not only help extend the city's reach and reputation around the world, it will also generate some $4.5 million in economic and tax spinoffs per year while creating 30 new jobs by the year 2014," commented the Honourable Denis Lebel, Minister of State for the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Québec.
  2. Florida always plays us hard, and they're not the worst team in the league. Considering the Habs played on Long Island last night (and won), I think we can forgive this loss... a few days rest, hopefully they'll come out swingin' on Tuesday!

  3. With a goal to make John Abbott College a leader in health-related fields, a symbolic groundbreaking ceremony took place Tuesday for the CEGEP's new science and technology building.


    The new five-storey, $30-million project will house facilities to train nurses, ambulance technicians and pharmaceutical technicians.


    "This will train students in English in areas where we have a shortage of qualified workers," said Education Minister Line Beauchamps.


    To be completed in 2012, the building, equipped with geothermic heating, will benefit from $8 million in financing from federal and provincial governments.



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