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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. Aura added floors during the sale, and again when it was nearly sold out. One Bloor too, I believe.

    Just checked, and LeftCoaster said on SSP that adding floors will not occur, because it means adding parking floors. Let's just hope they move ahead with new towers, south of the Bell Centre on the land they bought.

  2. I was thinking the same thing, but I am pretty sure condo projects in Toronto have added floors. Wasn't there a few floors added to Aura? I would assume if no one really wanted to change their floor number, they could add them above floor 46, so the top two floors remain the top two, and 46 remains 46, and then add 10 between them, or whatever. It's do-able.

  3. Charest called for a 3-year study into metro extension in September 2009. A group was set-up which had as mission to figure out the yellow line, orange and blue line extensions, their costs and where these new stations would be. I remember we discussed it a lot on here back then... so the time is coming! Blue is rumoured to get the priority. Things are in the planning stages... it took years to figure out the Laval extension too. Patience!

  4. There have been more Hollywood films SET in Montreal than any other Canadian city.

    Wait Until Dark (1967) with Audrey Hepburn, The Jackal (1997) with Bruce Willis and Sidney Poitier, The Whole Nine Yards (2000) with Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry, The Score (2001) with Robert De Niro, Edward Norton and Marlon Brando - this film really shows off the city well and I recommend it to all Montreal fanatics, Taking Lives (2004) with Angelina Jolie and Ethan Hawke and Blades of Glory (2006) with Will Ferrell and Jon Heder.


    As you can see, Montreal has been the location for thriller films, serial killer films, horror films, drama films and comedy films, which shows just how versatile we are as a city.

  5. APTA released its 1st quarter 2012 numbers. I think they screwed up Montreal's STM numbers, because it doesn't make any sense.


    For the first three months of 2011, they had:

    daily metro users: 1,111.7 (thousands)

    daily bus users: 1,403.7 (thousands)

    for a total of 2,524.5 (thousands)


    For 2012, they have:

    metro users: 616.9 (thousands)

    bus users: 816.2 (thousands)

    for a total of 1,443.1 (thousands).


    There is no way there are 1.1 million LESS daily users on the STM network. Someone screwed up.


    2012 numbers:

    2011 numbers:

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