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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. If you look at the live cam of Tour des Canadiens, on the right hand side you can see they're still building the new sales office for L'Avenue. Work WILL NOT begin on the site until that new sales office is completed. Everyone take a deep breath and calm down, this tower WILL RISE.

  2. Ils attendent tout simplement que leur nouveau bureau des ventes soit prêt de l'autre côté de la rue. Je suis passé devant et le nouveau bureau est effectivement en construction. De plus, la roulotte de chantier est maintenant sur le site, donc, tout est prêt pour débuter.


    Ne pas oublier que le projet a été lancé il y a à peine un an, il est donc tout à fait normal que le début de la construction se fasse dans les prochains jours, on se calme !!!


    Thank you Olivier. This has been said countless times. They will not begin construction until their new Offices are opened. Someone else reported mid-October for a start date. CALM DOWN PEOPLE! THIS ONE WILL BE BUILT!

  3. Square-Victoria métro station to get new name

    MONTREAL — Mayor Laurent Blanchard said Tuesday that the Square Victoria métro station would be renamed to include the organization that sits on top of it.


    Blanchard said at the opening session of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) that the station would be re-christened Square-Victoria-ICAO.


    The mayor called the United Nations body, in Montreal since 1944 in one guise or another, “something of a hidden gem.” Many Montrealers are unaware of its existence, or under-appreciate its importance, he said.


    Quebec Premier Pauline Marois was also renamed — sort of.


    Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez, president of the governing council of ICAO, introduced Marois as “the premier of Canada” as the sovereignist Quebec premier sat next to him with a pinched look.


    She got her own back, arguing in her speech that an independent Quebec would be worthy of hosting such an important institution.


  4. Remember, it was the PLQ that had this study done in 2009 - a committee was set up to analyze extending blue east, buckle orange and extend yellow east and maybe west. After the PQ won in 2012, they were the ones who were handed the report, and suggested not acting on it. We're now getting the announcement, so I'll be the first to say it: Good on the PQ for following through! And thanks to the Liberals for having the report drawn up in the first place. Now let's build some metro stations!

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