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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. Don't know how truthful this is (FIFA has moved the World Cup a number of times in their history), but it's interesting nonetheless. It looks like Qatar will lose 2022 but who will become the new host is really up in the air.


    FIFA propose to move 2022 World Cup from Qatar to USA and Canada


    FIFA have made a proposal to move the 2022 FIFA World Cup to USA and Canada. The hosting rights were originally given to Qatar in controversial circumstances and it has long been under the hammer of suspicion. FIFA could soon make it public that no Arab country will host the World Cup.


    The chief governing body has put forward USA and Canada as the hosts to replace Qatar in 2022. Qatar on the other hand is still continuing with the construction of the ultra-modern stadiums for the World Cup, though it is increasingly appearing they would not be put to use anytime for the mega event. The decision to change the venue will be the first time in the World Cup’s 80-year history.


    Qatar was in a cloud of suspicion over allegations of buying of votes and corruption during the time of voting. Mohammed bin Hammam, a former Qatari official for FIFA, paid up to $5 million to influential African leaders to garner their votes. According to reports, there is evidence that hundreds of faxes, emails and invoices were exchanged between Qatari officials and leaders around the world. Australia, one of the main contenders to the 2022 World Cup bid only registered 2 votes and were recently reported to be considering suing FIFA over the $40 million loss they incurred from the bidding process.


    Recently, Jim Boyce, vice-president of FIFA, had confirmed a re-vote would take place if the Qatar bid was riddled with corruption saying, “If Michael Garcia, the investigating officer finds any evidence of illegal activity, we will discuss it seriously.”


    Qatar has been subjected to strong criticism about the poor working conditions at construction sites of mostly non-Qatari people with a reported 1200 people dead and it is expected to rise to 4000. The International Trade Union Confederation had demanded the FIFA to impose a number of conditions to uphold the Qatar World Cup choice.


    Sepp Blatter, FIFA president recognized that “it was a mistake” to choose Qatar as the venue and the international agency is very close to announce USA and Canada as venue for the event.

  2. That makes me happy.


    Last year when Jackman was on Letterman promoting the Wolverine movie, Letterman asked him about the new X-Men film he was filming (which was Days of Future Past in Montreal), and when Jackman told him they were shooting it in Montreal, Letterman got all excited and they both went off on a tangent about how much they both love the city.


    We live in a great place! Let's be proud of it :)

  3. Really? I remember quite a lot of press about the Bell Centre projects and many of the Gazette writers seemed excited about it, even specifically mentioning something to the fact they are the first major construction projects in 20 years. And one of the main writers made the effort to get the correct information about them. The Gazette has some pretty shitty editorial journalists, but to label the entire newspaper as "negative about these projects" is extreme.

  4. People will spin anything. Is the PQ to blame? How could we possibly know for sure?

    What I do know is this fact:


    Quebec had a net loss of 11,887 residents due to interprovincial migration (departures minus arrivals) in the 12 months from October 2012 to September 2013, compared to a loss of 7,700 people in the corresponding period of 2011-12 and a loss of 4,394 in 2010-11.


    I'm tired of the federalists blindly blaming the PQ everytime the numbers don't look good and I'm tired of the separatists refusing to look at numbers and have an actual discussion about them. Fact is, the numbers increased to their highest levels in over a decade, and it just so happens that it started in the month FOLLOWING the election of the first PQ government in a decade. Can we have a real discussion without throwing facts away, or is that too ridiculous to consider?

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