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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. According to jspetit on SSP:


    Selon une source proche du chantier, la phase 3 sera annoncée bientôt!


    La phase 3 aura 40 étage, et la phase 2 aura 62 étages.


    Il m'a aussi expliqué pourquoi ils ont été long à démarrer: La présence du centre Bell et surtout du métro de la ligne orange les ont contraints à planter les pieux d'assise très profondément dans le sol, soit plus profond que le tunnel du métro. Je présumes qu'ainsi, ce n'est pas le tunnel du métro qui supportera la charge de la tour!


    Considering TDC 1 was original 62 floors, brought down to 40, only to go to 50, it seems a bit too coincidental and incorrect but figured I should share anyway

  2. Do some of the other members on this forum remember we had this great discussion a few years ago about moving our main/important artistic and cultural offices to the Quartier des Spectacles? Tourists at the Jazz fest looking around at the towers in the area with Cirque du Soleil logo and the ONF logo at the tops of each building? It would add a tremendous feel and buzz to the area.


    This is big news! I'm hoping we get a brand new facility for them, with the logo at the top, all lit up at night. They need a lot of space (i.e. theatre rooms, editing rooms, archives) so let's hope we get a sexy new glass tower for them!

  3. Huge news!

    Days of Future Past that was shot here in 2013 grossed $745 million worldwide and cost over $200 million to shoot. The new film's budget could be $250 million +


    Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, Channing Tatum. Rumours of the original cast of Ian McKellen, Anna Paquin, Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry returning are also in the air.



    X-Men returning to Montreal


    The producers of the X-Men film series are coming back to Montreal.


    Journal de Montreal this morning is reporting that the production office for the next film in the series, X-Men: Apocalypse will open next month, with set construction at Mel's Studio starting in December and shooting beginning in April of next year.


    If , production of the previous film in the series X-Men: Days of Future Past is any indication, it will mean another huge economic shot in the arm for the city.


    Days of Future Past generated an estimated $100-million for the Montreal economy.


  4. The Feds would definitely spend money on upgrading stadiums in this country, considering every other country that hosts the World Cup gets $$ from their government. Imagine the Big O, with its new lighting scheme, an open-air roof, a revamped interior and exterior hosting games of the World Cup? Spectacular.


    An Expo, the Summer Olympic Games and host of the FIFA World Cup? What a trifecta. How many cities around the world have done all 3?

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