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Messages posté(e)s par Chris1989

  1. Federalists see what they want to see, Separatists see what they want to see.


    How can ANYONE argue this simple statement? Stop fucking arguing. I love this forum but lately, I've been avoiding reading some pages because I know all it is is Mark saying Quebec isn't doing so well, followed by MtlMan or Vaillant or ACPNC or whoever else jumping all over him and saying he's totally wrong and spreading propaganda. I'm so sick and fucking tired of it.

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  2. I think they might end up building them separately? I never thought they would do it that way, but it makes no sense how one side is going up and the other is still dirt. Maybe they'll approach it like they did for Altitude Phase II - start building it right next to it long after the original tower was already far along.

  3. I wrote this in the Tour des Canadiens 2 thread but I think it's worth mentioning it here.


    Concerning Tour des Canadiens 2:

    Avec ses 37 étages, cette tour de 120 m présente une hauteur inférieure de 15 m par rapport à la tour Deloitte en construction du côté opposé de la rue Saint-Antoine, ainsi qu’inférieur de 60 m par rapport à la tour des Canadiens, également en construction au coin de la rue de la Montagne et de l’avenue des Canadiens de Montréal.


    So if this source can be trusted, Tour des Canadiens is 180m? (we have it estimated at 167m)

  4. Avec ses 37 étages, cette tour de 120 m présente une hauteur inférieure de 15 m par rapport à la tour Deloitte en construction du côté opposé de la rue Saint-Antoine, ainsi qu’inférieur de 60 m par rapport à la tour des Canadiens, également en construction au coin de la rue de la Montagne et de l’avenue des Canadiens de Montréal.


    So if this source can be trusted, Tour des Canadiens is 180m?

  5. Ottawa to replace Champlain Bridge sooner than planned


    MONTREAL – The federal minister responsible for the Champlain Bridge says the structure is safe but Ottawa will replace it sooner than originally expected.


    Infrastructure Minister Denis Lebel was speaking to reporters on Friday morning in advance of a meeting about how to relieve traffic and transit difficulties caused by the sudden emergency month-long closure of a southbound lane on Tuesday.


    “If there’s any danger we will close the bridge,” Lebel said. “When the bridge is open, that’s because it’s safe.”


    He noted the federally-owned Champlain is the most closely monitored bridge in Canada thanks to inspections and sensors on the bridge.


    Construction of the new bridge – to cost between $3 billion and $5 billion – will be accellerated, Lebel said.


    Ottawa had previously said the new bridge would open in 2021. A new target date was not announced.


    Marc Brazeau of Transport Canada said “an accellerated schedule for the project” will be ready within weeks and will be sent to the federal government. After it has been reviewed, it will be made public, Brazeau said.


    The right-hand southbound lane was closed after a dangerous crack on an outside beam under the bridge was discovered during a routine inspection. Engineers determined it would not be safe to allow traffic back onto the lane until the beam is reinforced.


    The beam in question is now being inspected twice a day, said Glen Carlin, general manager of the federal agency that administers the bridge.


    The 2-milimetre crack is on a beam that had not been considered one of the most at-risk beams, Carlin said.


    Reinforcement of the beam should be completed by Dec. 12, Carlin said. The work will cost between $4 million and $5 million.


    He said the agency has acted quickly on the issue. The crack was discovered Tuesday and by Wednesday a contractor had been hired and had started preparations for the repairs. Workers will be on the site 18 hours a day over two shifts, seven days a week.


    “The rest of the bridge remains secure,” Carlin said.


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