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  1. What a cheap attempt by Harper to get some votes in Québec. The added bonus for him is that this won't cost him one penny!


  c'est ça c'est cheap en maudit mais j'en doute.


    Au moins, Demers est un bon diable. Je suis content pour lui.

  2. Supporting our troops does not mean supporting the war or the politicians who sent them there. Seems no republican is able to understand that.


    It means respecting and supporting the men and women on the ground ( and their families ) who endanger their lives on a foreign soil. Supporting them means making sure they have the tools to defend themselves properly, helping their families, paying them adequately, taking care of them when they come back home and sometimes it also means being patriotic ( lol ) and putting pressure on the monkeys who sent them there in the first place.


    I do not oppose all wars. But Irak was a mistake. And it all started with a CIA error? right.

  3. Patriotic means love of one's country.


    It has nothing to do with not loving your president and supporting a war you feel was based on a lie.


    That being said, if republicans thought they could label millions of liberals ( and some consevatives as well ) antipatriotic and even traitors based on their interpretation of the word patriotic and get away with it, they were wrong. Those personal attacks on millions of americans backlashed and transformed itself into a "I hate Bush" movement. But the republicans still have not learned the lesson from this. You still have them waving the patriotic flag like it belonged to them, and now have patriotism defined as excluding hating Bush.

  4. It would be my honour.


    That's a little extreme coming from the same family but she was right. In times of war, a patriotic American stands by his/her President and armed forces. I don't know these people, so there is a good chance that there are many more problems between them than just the political question.


    All of this sounds like its straight out of a Michael Moore movie.


    . Bush did not invade Iraq on a lie, but rather on a CIA error.



    Republicans and conservatives like you really have a fixation with Michael Moore. As he was the leader of the liberal world. It's ridiculous and you should get over it. It's as if liberals cited Sarah Palin everytime the conservative movement was discussed.


    Calling people who love their country ( as my three american friends ) unpatriotic is not only unhelpful and false, but eventually it backlashes as it did against the Bush administration. Republicans like to believe they are the only ones who are patriotic. Hogwash. They are not.


    You say people are unpatriotic because they do not support their military? Again. More republicain rubbish. They had friends in the military. In fact, one of them lost a cousin in Iraq. They believed the boys and girls were sent there on a lie. Oh....sorry..... I meant a CIA went to war on a CIA error. Do you actually believe this? Millions of americans do not. And they are not unpatriotic for thinking it either

  5. An American who hates Bush is not anti-American but unpatriotic.


    You cannot even imagine how I would appreciate seeing and hearing you telling my three american friends they are not patriotic because they hate George W. Bush.


    One of them has not spoken to his mother for a couple of years as she kicked him out of the house at dinner time because she accused him of being unpatriotic because he said he hated W. She also said he was not patriotic because he opposed the invasion of Iraq. The typical republicain rubbish.


    It's exactly because he loves his country and its institutions that he hates W Bush. He felt Bush was caving in to large oil companies and the religious right. He also felt Bush invaded Iraq on a lie, authorized torture and divided the country by accusing the liberals like him of being non patriotic and even a traitor. He felt Bush bullied even his allies and nearly destroyed America's reputation abroad.


    Man would I love to hear you a canadian living in Monteal telling him he was not patriotic because he hated Bush. Lol. Hilarious. I would be willing to buy tickets at a very high price to see and hear this. You see, many republicains accused him and millions like him of being unpatriotic and even a traitor, with the implicite blessing of the Bush administration......and people like you wonder why he hates W Bush?

  6. Hating the man is dangerously close to Anti-Americanism. If you simply disagreed with his policies or his way of running the country it would be a different matter.


    I completely disagree with your argument.


    Three of my closest friends are americans, and believe it or not, they hate Bush more than I do. When we have debates, I sometimes find myself defending Bush and his policies where I find they may be exagerating the situation. That does not make them anti-american. Them hating Bush does not make them anti American. Neither does it make me anti- american.


    If I had the chance ( yes....the chance to meet an ex-president and tell him I did not agree with his policies ) to meet Bush , I would be very polite and well behaved in his company. I just do not insult people even if I do not like them. Neither would I hit him or harm him. But let's be honest here..........I do not love this man......because of his policies......because he lied about the WMD......because he bullied his friends and allies....because he allied himself with the religious right, anti abortion, anti gay rights, anti regulation of the financial markets.....because he thought America could get away with a one man show, etc.etc........I hate him because I feel he has severly harmed America ( and the world ) with his policies.


    I usually do not hate people I disagree with. But he has pushed his luck waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too far.


    By the way, admit I am not the only one who hates him. Half of Americans do as well...and they are not anti americans are they?

  7. I'm guessing that you're one of these people who suddenly decided that it was "cool" to like America again once Barrack Obama was elected. Am I right?


    You are dead wrong...and you should stop making assumptions about people you do not know.


    I have always been pro-american. Being anti-Bush does not make one anti american. What kind of crazy reasoning is this anyways?


    Mais c'est souvent le cas que les gens qui haissent Bush ou les Républicains n'aiment pas trop les Américains (les résidents du Texas en particulier) non plus. Ca c'est très très commun en Europe, Allemagne en particulier.


    Oh don't give me this shit. I think Bush was a nut and consider myself pro-american. Half of the americans hate him as much as I do...does that make them anti-american too.



  9. Je confirme que le toit qui dépassait sur le trottoir a été enlevé.


    Le marteau piqueur était à l'oeuvre à compter de 6h00 dimanche matin!!! It was impossible for me to sleep in the morning last week-end.

  10. On pourrait évidemment emputer de moitié le budget aloué au FIJM pour le donner au Festival de Jazz de Alma, Amos ou Lévis.


    Par contre, adieu les têtes d'affiches et l'"évènement" de Jazz au pays se déroulera désormais à Toronto.:applause:



    Tellement vrai Gilbert.......................


    Mais pourtant, on dirait que la majorité des gens ne voient pas cela.


    Pourquoi ne pas amputer Montreal de partout...pour mieux répartir dans le reste du Québec? Pas juste le festival de Jazz.......tout..........même l'orchestre symphonique.



  11. Ca peut ressembler à du chialage pour rien, mais il apporte tout de même certains points qui ont le mérite d'être discutés.


    La main-mise du FIJM sur tout ce qui est Jazz au québec est bien évidente, peu de moyens pour les autres festivals de Jazz, .


    Et pourquoi exactement Montreal devrait-elle faire de la place aux autres qui voudraient et qui font déjà un festival de Jazz au Québec?

  12. Tu as raison Habsfan.


    Mais aucuns arguments raisonnables et réalistes ne viendront à bout des idéalistes. Leurs opinions sont souvent bien articulées, séduisantes même et ils arrivent à endormir beaucoup de monde.


    They are one more reason why Montreal is losing out to other large and now even much smaller cities.

  13. wow calmez vous c'est juste une critique p/r au spectacle d'hier, pas une critique de la place des spectacles en générale


    Drôle de site? Les organisateurs avaient beau se péter les bretelles avec leur kyrielle d'écrans géants et relais de sono savamment disposés, le gros bon sens frappait bien plus fort que la pluie sur le pavé: la nouvelle Place des Festivals ne peut pas absorber la foule immense qu'attire un Stevie Wonder. Les événements Paul McCartney et Céline Dion sur les Plaines auraient dû servir de mesure-étalon: ça prend un site vaste. Large. Une sorte de Woodstock. Pas une rue Jeanne-Mance transformée en couloir humain.


    T'appelle cela juste une critique du spectacle d'hier soir toi?


    Pas moi.

  14. cette critique du devoir reflète très bien mon opinion de la soirée



    Drôle de site? Les organisateurs avaient beau se péter les bretelles avec leur kyrielle d'écrans géants et relais de sono savamment disposés, le gros bon sens frappait bien plus fort que la pluie sur le pavé: la nouvelle Place des Festivals ne peut pas absorber la foule immense qu'attire un Stevie Wonder. Les événements Paul McCartney et Céline Dion sur les Plaines auraient dû servir de mesure-étalon: ça prend un site vaste. Large. Une sorte de Woodstock. Pas une rue Jeanne-Mance transformée en couloir humain.



    Jamais content. Ces journalistes se sentent toujours obligés de critiqués pour justifier leurs paies. Pathétique.


    Des shows avec 200 000 personnes, il va y en avoir un ou deux par année. La Place du Spectacle fera la job pour 99% des spectacles qui y seront présentés. Le site est fantastic. J'y étais hier soir.....j'ai adoré l'endroit...même si j'étais loins. Ça paraît que ce foutu journaliste n'était pas au show De Sir Paul à Québec. Mon ami avec qui j'étais hier m'a dit qu'il était encore plus loins à Québec, même en arrivant 7 heures avant le début du spectacle. Hier, nous sommes arrivés une courte heure avant.


    Maudit jounaliste chilaueux et ignorant en plus. Tu as manqué une belle occasion de te la fermer.

  15. La clinique médicale Guy a depuis quelques semaines déménagée dans l'immeuble Guy/Sherbrooke qui devait servir de porte d'entrée à cet hotel. Un pharmaprix vient de s'y installer également.


    Est-ce que cela signale que ce projet est mort? Je vois mal une clinique déménager ici pour repartir après quelques années après avoir investis des milliers de dollars pour en faire une clinique moderne.

  16. J'espère que tu ne demande pas la question sérieusement.


    Je sais que Montréal est pleine de bons restos. Je vais moi-même dans divers restos trois ou quatre fois par semaine. J'adore.


    Je faisais allusion au commentaire style "ça fait penser aux USA alors c'est de la merde". Si la cuisine et le service étaient mauvais, alors je veux bien qu'il disparaisse.. Mais pourquoi mêler les USA là dedans? En passant, il y a aussi des restos chinois, français, italien, etc......à Montréal...dont certains sont très mauvais. Doit-on se débarasser de ces restos aussi parce que ça fait penser à la Chine, à la France, à l'Italie, etc. Bien sûr que non. On doit s'en débarrasser parce qu'ils sont mauvais...c'est tout!!!

  17. Je portais beaucoup d'espoirs envers M. Charest lors de sa première campagne parcequ'il y allait encore plus fort dans les réformes... en tout cas c'est qu'il avait promis. Soit: réduction d'un milliard d'impots personnels par année sur 5 ans (environ un tiers après 5 ans), révision des tous les organismes d'états, bref réduction de la taille de l'état... bref rien de ça ou presque ne s'est passé.:rolleyes:


    Et le pire, c'est qu'il est justement populaire à cause de cela....misère...

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