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Messages posté(e)s par denpanosekai

  1. Since they're redoing all the bricks, they're just gonna trash the existing ones, right?


    Also how big is Reliance and what's their involvement? Their banner is also on the Gramercy building. Can they support both sites or will Gramercy have to wait its turn?

  2. Quelqu'un sait qu'est-ce qui avait là?


    A bunch of no-name/numbered companies, most notably AEI internet (now on Drummond)


    I would think this is borderline brutalism (nowhere near Centre Mont-Royal). Somewhat charming in an odd way. Definitely an odd little building, C-class office space.

  3. Just received a promo card in the mail. Says 55% sold. I think there is a new render, different from what we've seen so far (way more windows on the west wall).


    I'm kind of disappointed they're keeping the yellow bricks and I'm really not sure which kind of material they're using for the 11th floor, but hopefully it isn't cheap stuff. Also they're filling in the backside, which totally makes sense given the floorplans, but again wasn't on last year's renders. So it's much more than a renovation, they're actually adding to the building.

  4. I don't know where else to post this, but tons of graffitis and tags have been cleaned up in Montreal in the past few days. This makes me extremely happy as a downtown resident.


    Is it too far fetched to link this cleanup w/ the Grand Prix happening this weekend? I noticed this morning that Sherbrooke between Guy and McGill College was especially pretty, tons of flowers and landscaping.

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