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Messages posté(e)s par denpanosekai

  1. Ça va être le dernier coup de grâce au moribond et mal géré Faubourg...




    Urban Food Fair ? Honestly !? It's not only lame, it's completely out of touch with Montreal's language sensitivities. Même si c'est une zone à haute densité allophone et anglophone, tu fais ça bilangue au pire ! Crisse que les gens aiment se tirer sur le pied gratuitement


    No worries. It's clearly just a render intended for investors. I thought it'd be interesting to share here. Their site has a French version and it's called "Foire Urbaine", whatever that means.

  2. Under heavy renovation at the moment. They are adding new street-level locations despite 75% availability (only the SAQ remains) and the Stylexchange failure. Will they shake off the cockroach stigma?






    This next picture shows flooring being put on top of the old bagel place.




    New Taiwanese place where Grumman used to be



  3. This is absolutely a piece of Montreal history getting torn down. It's not the greatest one, it's not even all that meaningful. But when I think about our vanished neighborhoods due to the 720, Radio Canada or various HLM projects, I can't help but think we're making the same mistake. "At least" we'll have the rest of the street... sigh. When the hell is Concordia going to DO something about the Bishop Court apartments?


    I'll say it again: They should just wait until Holt Renfrew moves and then occupy the entire building.

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