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Messages posté(e)s par denpanosekai

  1. Interestingly enough, Kristian Gravenor is commenting on the rumors.




    In other downtown development news, the massive Selfridges/Ogilvy's/ Hotel de la Montagne project, I am told, isn't exactly steaming along and some have suggested that it might not simply go ahead. One rumour has it that the owner of Thursdays has repurchased his bar and plans to renovate and reopen soon. We really need to get our rooftop terrace and its glorious swimming pool back, don't we?
  2. I know someone who lives in that part of PSC (south of the tracks). He's a tattoo artist so local thugs don't really fuck with him, but I wouldn't move in with some kids.


    Across from his rather nice and pricy condo, the whole building is owned by drug dealers. I know it's up and coming and all that, but I'd still avoid the area for some time.


    That said, this is an unbelievable awesome action by these people and I hope it does work out.



    Pointe-St-Charles est un secteur de Montréal qualifié de « désert alimentaire », par la Direction de la Santé Publique. Certains citoyens doivent parcourir un demi-kilomètre avant d’avoir accès à une épicerie. Un ancien bâtiment désaffecté du CN a été acquis par un collectif communautaire et les acteurs du milieu rêvent d’y voir se développer un important pôle alimentaire.
  4. August 25th 2013 - I walked in on a guided tour, with the person explaining that Pointe-A-Calliere will rename itself in 2017 to Cite de L'Histoire Architecturale (that's what I remember hearing him say). They will also lease most of the Federal Customs basement for expositions. Everything will be linked underground (walking through some restored sewers, again I forget the name). I'd appreciate if anyone could correct me appropriately.


    Edit: There's a little more info here. William collector sewer. The new name will be: CIté d'archéologie et d'histoire de Montréal.







  5. 685 rue Saint-Maurice. Photo prise 21 août 2013. J'ai parlé avec un patron (casque blanc) sur le site' date=' il m'a dit que le garage en brique brune ne peut être démoli pour le moment. Apparemment, c'est une question d'argent et une affaire de famille?? m'a-t-il dit. Ils finissent de nettoyer le terrain et attendent des nouvelles pour démolir le garage en question. Ensuite, la construction va commencer.

    Yvon L'Aîné[/quote']


    Nice info!

  6. Wait, they're demolishing that historical building?




    From what I understand, this is a 1952 addition, hence "not historical". You can clearly see it on one of my earlier pictures.


    I found this very interesting blog entry on Avant L'autoroute that details the history of this site.


    Here is the 2008 OCPM report which provides accurate details (including shadow casting!) about the then-approved project. Only the 1892 original building is to be preserved and restored. Some balconies will also be rebuilt as they used to be. The 1911 wing also looks like it will be torn down. In fact they might just tear down the whole thing and rebuild it from scratch, for soundproofing and generally bring everything up-to-code.


    I'm just surprised as you are that work resumed out of nowhere. I wouldn't yet move this out of "cancelled", maybe this was a demolition contract already established that they couldn't back out of? (I don't know much about these things).

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