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Messages posté(e)s par denpanosekai

  1. Some people are not very happy with the planned conversion. What would like to see instead?? :confused:


    La bataille pour la Malting continue!

    Organisé Par Popir Comité Logement et 2 autres


    mercredi 9 octobre 18h30 :

    Assemblée d'organisation du campagne

    "Non aux condos sur le site de la Canada Malting!"

    Bonjour à vous tous,


    En mai vous avez participé à une assemblée publique afin de discuter du développement

    de condos sur le site de la Canada Malting à St-Henri. Vous avez décidé ensemble de

    lancer une campagne contre ce développement et de faire circuler une pétition pou

    demander aux éluEs de l'arrondissement Le Sud-Ouest de ne pas permettre le

    développement d'un méga-complexe de 700 unités de logements privés sur ce site.


    Plusieurs résidentEs et membres des organismes communautaires ont donné

    de leur temps cet été pour faire circuler la pétition. Jusqu’ici, nous avons récolté

    presque 1000 signatures!


    Le travail est bien parti, et nous avons encore beaucoup du travail à faire

    pour atteindre notre objectif de ramasser 5000 signatures!


    Les éluEs municipaux sont maintenant en campagne électorale jusqu'au 3 novembre.

    Dans les prochaines semaines, nous avons une opportunité en or d'attire

    l'attention des candidates à cet enjeu.


    Nous vous invitons à une deuxième assemblée d’organisation pour discuter comment

    nous pouvons nous organiser dans les prochaines semaines et mois pour atteindre

    notre objectif et d'attirer plus d’attention sur le futur du site de la Malting:

    Mercredi 9 octobre 18h30-20h00

    Lieu :

    CRCS St-Zotique

    75 Square sir-Georges-Étienne-Cartier salle 215


    (Metro Place St-Henri).

  2. Ce n'est pas l'édifice La Presse que l'on vois mais l'édifice La Patrie du nom d' un ancien journal hebdomadaire.


    I guess I'm going crazy here, because I see "La Presse" in huge letters on that sign. Was it just publicity? Why's it all over the building too then?


    Regardless, what happened to that building?

  3. Wow, much better than today. I love the signs. Cocal-Cola, Delicatessen, Restaurant etc.... very lively !


    I found another picture from the La Presse archives. This one's from 1965.


    <a href="" title="Rue Sainte-Catherine by La Presse, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="297" alt="Rue Sainte-Catherine"></a>


    By the way it looks like this thing is 90% rented already. Food court is launching early 2014.

  4. No pictures to share, but there's a huge construction zone next to the current Nuns Island bridge. Quite impressive. The replacement bridge is going to pop up anytime now! Didn't expect it so soon.



    Nuns’ Island bridge work underway


    MONTREAL — Construction has started on a new temporary span to replace the decaying Nuns’ Island Bridge.


    The structure crosses a secondary St. Lawrence River channel, connecting the Champlain Bridge to Montreal Island


    With six car lanes, a dedicated bus lane and a bike/pedestrian path, the new structure will cost $92.2 million.


    The new span will open by the spring of 2015, said Glen Carlin, general manager of the Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc., a federal agency.


    The temporary Nuns’ Island bridge — going up next to the current one — will be demolished after a permanent new bridge is in place.


    The permanent one will be built at the same time as the new Champlain.


    The current Nuns’ Island structure is deteriorating “very quickly,” a 2010 inspection report found. There is major damage to the foundation and to expansion joints. The concrete deck would also have to be replaced.


    Because of all that, $85 million to $100 million would have to have been spent on the current Nuns’ Island span within four years, Ottawa says. In addition, more money would be needed for maintenance. Aside from the cost, all of that expected work would have caused prolonged traffic headaches.


    Building the temporary bridge now will save money in the long run, Ottawa says. In addition, it will help improve public transit, by adding a bus lane and eliminating a traffic light that causes traffic backups on the Champlain. Cars will be able to use it during construction of the permanent bridge and the new Champlain.

  5. J'aime bien l'image de marcher jusqu'au stade en sortant du bureau, parfois de façon non-planifiée, pour profiter d'une belle soirée d'été au centre-ville.


    High five, that's exactly what I want out of this new stadium. Downtown view is a big bonus.

  6. I was told 12 sales and as many reservations (out of 41 condos). What really blew my mind is that buyers have been guaranteed an April 2014 move-in date. I had to double-check with the rep. It's true that all units come completely unfinished, but still, hell of a deadline. She couldn't tell me when the crane was going up, but it was "definitely happening". We'll see!


    And Gramercy got a new neighbor.... not really! I think this is fake frontage for the English language version of 19-2 which was shot in the area recently.



  7. I am impressed by this project. Lots of great videos on the developer's blog. I couldn't get the streetview to work in my post but it's a great use of a small lot. No need for a backyard, the kids can play in the park just a block away and enjoy the wonderfuly skating rink all winter long. Walking distance to the metro, couple of groceries nearby, large units, attractive Verdun-style architecture... very few negatives.

  8. Je vais être à Chicago au mois de Novembre, je n'y suis pas allé depuis 15 ans, j'ai bien hâte de retourner au centre-ville, souvent cité en exemple probant pour tout ce qui touche urbanisme et architecture.


    Prepare to be blown away. I am now considering employment downtown Chicago. As a software engineer my options are limitless.


    I recommend you take the Blue train to Damen and walk down Milwaukee for a while. Just as charming as Mont-Royal on a hot summer day.


    Unless you're into drug dealing and gang banging, you're as likely to get shot in the city core as you are in the Galeries D'Anjou parking lot.

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