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Messages posté(e)s par denpanosekai

  1. Je trouve ça charmant de voir des anciens rails de tramway percer le bitume.. À chaque fois que j'ai la chance d'en voir je souris. Dommage que certains y trouvent le prétexte de faire de l'urticaire.


    Care to share some more examples? I may try to get a listing going on.


    De toute manière, on sait que ces rails sauvent des vies, lorsque l'aqueduc en dessous se brise...


    LOL, exactly.

  2. Not sure how to feel about this. It's not exactly walking distance to Concordia, McGill sort of, ETS has plenty of residences already. I feel this should be used for something a little more prestigious, like a second Tour de la Bourse.


    On the other hand it will bring some interesting diversity to the area and will definitely spin off into a grocery store as well as stores that stay open over the weekend and past 5PM on weekdays.

  3. What do you mean by investment? Evidently, 2 elevators for that amount of units can be not enough, especially when one breaks down... but what does that have to do with the investment? There could be 50 elevators for all you care and it would not make it a better investment...


    Also, since this is only 10 floors high... half the people won't (ideally) be using the elevators. Either way I'm damn glad my building has 3.


    But yeah, if anything I would consider the noisy neighborhood as the number one negative with this place.

  4. Nothing special, just some bad cellphone pics.











    As a bonus, I noticed there are still some tramway tracks corner Lambert-Closse and Sainte-Catherine. I know there are still tracks on Sainte-Catherine at McGill College and also Stanley (though those might be gone by now) so I might make a separate thread soon. Here's a great set of pictures showing tracks being extracted between Atwater and St-Mathieu. This stuff fascinates me.





  5. This is the same building as Angela Pizza. Walked by today, noticed some heavy renovations going on at "ground" floor level. All graffitis cleaned up. Peeked inside and saw plenty of ladders and fresh new walls. I think this is a handsome rugged building that deserves a facelift. Gives me NYC vibes. It's been abandoned for as long as I can remember though I think there was a dental clinic in there at some point.


    Googled a bit for 1668 Maisonneuve and found this listing as well as this Altus profile.


    Three storey semi-commercial building. The basement, ground floor and second floor are zoned for commercial usage while the third floor offers space for two residential apartments. The basement retail floor also enjoys a separate front entrance. Situated on de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, one block west of Guy Street



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