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Messages posté(e)s par Julpyz

  1. 14 minutes ago, Matt said:

    Merci pour le partage! L'ajout d une eventuelle plage serait un atout imcroyable mais sur cette proposition, elle est vraiment petite et pourrait etre saturee tout le temps...

    J'imagine que ça déclencherait un tollé chez les propriétaires de bateaux. Déjà avec tout le chialage pour la marina Lachine et puis là, s’ils enlèvent celle qui est déjà existante à cet endroit sans offrir d'alternatives...

    Mais, bon. Comme la majorité d'entre nous (j'assume) je n'ai pas de bateaux, donc j'aimerais beaucoup voir une plage à cet endroit!

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Kodun said:

    They shall just build a couple skyscrappers on that soon-to-be-demolished-anyways multi-level parking and also the Esso. Just not sure how high it could go with the airplane passage tho.

    Worst case, we just move the planes higher too.🤷‍♂️😅

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    As opposition mounts, T.M.R. mayor ready to revise Rockland development plan.

    A petition launched by T.M.R. resident Gerry Apostolatos two weeks ago to scrap the plan and redo the process with public input has reached 1,200 signatures.Town of Mount Royal has extended its virtual public consultation on a 20-year redevelopment plan for the area around Rockland shopping centre just as opposition to the proposal mounts. T.M.R. announced on Friday that it has moved the deadline for written comments on the Rockland sector special planning program, known by its acronym in French as a PPU, from Monday to Jan. 15.

    The extension came as a petition launched by a T.M.R. resident two weeks ago to scrap the plan and redo the process with public input reached 1,200 signatures. The town has 21,000 residents. “What is being proposed here is a PPU which will result in a billion-dollar city within T.M.R. and which adds thousands of residents,” said Gerry Apostolatos, who said it’s the first petition he has ever initiated. The new development guidelines for the sector would allow high-density housing construction, including high-rises, bring more cars to the already congested area and change the characteristics of the town that was built as a ‘garden city’, he said.

    “Like most residents, I was taken aback that T.M.R. council would propose such a substantial change to our urban plan in the middle of a pandemic using this legal tool (the PPU), which doesn’t allow for a referendum.” Apostolatos said he was in favour of the town’s controversial project to build a new sports centre, but now doubts it will accommodate a population explosion. As well, a new school is supposed to be built in T.M.R., but the plan is based on current needs, he said. As Mayor Philippe Roy explained in October, the Rockland redesign is the first of four PPUs that are in the offing for the entrances to T.M.R. Separate special planning programs will be presented for the area around Beaumont shopping centre near Jean-Talon St. W., for Lucerne Rd. near the Metropolitan Expressway and for Jean-Talon St. at Laird Blvd., near Côte-des-Neiges Rd.


    Is anyone even surprise here?

    T.M.R petition state that the PPU would "change the characteristics of the town that was built as a ‘garden city’"

    I can't make that sh*t up😂


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  4. 2 hours ago, SameGuy said:

    Imagine ADM being able to get institutional backing right now. The Caisse would be crazy not to invest in it while its value is upside-down and a recovery is on the horizon.

    If the federal charter could be amended to allow it, I could see the Caisse paying for the station ($150M) and the integration costs ($450M) in exchange for an equity stake.

    Although I agree with you, I must say that right now the value isn't really upside-down, it would cost the same price as before and by the time they finish the station in 2024, the traffic will probably 🤞 be the same as pre-covid. The only difference is that ADM doesn't have the money right now and is struggling to get investment. The business case and the opportunity for the station didn't change and is exactly the same as before when you think about it further than 2022.

    I'm pretty sure that when the CDPQ pitched the idea of a REM to the airport to ADM, It was ADM that wanted to build the station in order to get the profits as everyone know it's a good investment and it will make money. So I think that even if CDPQ offer right now to build it, they would decline and would prefer get a loan from the gov. or someone else.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Acajou said:

    Ça prend pas plus de 30 secondes pour se familiariser avec le fonctionnement de leur site ; c'est perturbant au début et puis ça devient aussi fluide et cohérent que toute autre site. 

    Oser un système différent (quitte à désorienter son lecteur) = 👍

    Je t'assure, j'y ai passé plus que 30 secondes et je n'y comprends toujours rien. Mais bon, je suis peut-être juste un idiot désorienté.

    Je débâterais tout de même du contraire. De plus, ayant moi-même designé des sites web et faisant du design accessible à longueur de journée dans le cadre de mes études, j’aurais pensé y être assez calé.

    Mais bon, peut-être n'avons-nous pas accès au même site web. 🤷‍♂

    Oh, et: "Oser un système différent (quitte à désorienter son lecteur) = 👍" c'est un gros non pour moi. Leur site web a comme fonction première de promouvoir le talent de cette firme d'architecte aux mêmes personnes dont tu assumes qu'il n'est pas grave de désorienter. Un bon design est capable d'être "osé" et "différent" sans désorienter qui que ce soit.


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  6. 14 minutes ago, Walkscore said:

    Les images dans le post initial sont les rendus que nous attendions depuis longtemps? C'est confirmé?

    C'est censé venir du site web des architectes.

    Personnellement, j'ai essayé de les trouver sur le site web de Chevalier Morales, mais c'est le pire site web que j'ai vu depuis longtemps.

    Accessibilité = 💩

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