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Messages posté(e)s par Alexcaban

  1. Bergeron wants to see STM subsidiary's books






    Montreal’s transit authority wants to generate new revenue by letting travellers use cellphones in the métro and encouraging real-estate developments over stations.


    But the head of Projet Montréal says before the Société de transport de Montréal moves ahead with any new endeavours it should open the books of the subsidiary that manages partnerships with the private sector.


    The STM is in talks with a private firm, Extenet, which is willing to invest $50 million to install equipment required to allow cellphone use in all 68 métro stations as well as tunnels, STM director general Yves Devin said.


    Extenet, which would sign a 20-year deal, expects to make money by charging cell companies to access the network, with the STM getting a cut.


    The deal would be done through Transgesco, the STM subsidiary that, among other things, oversees the sale of ads on the subway.


    Projet Montréal leader Richard Bergeron has suggested taxpayers aren’t getting their fair share of profits from partnerships.


    Tuesday, Devin briefed reporters about Transgesco, saying it does not publish annual reports but its financial statements are audited by the STM’s auditor.


    Between 2003 and 2009, Transgesco received $98 million of the $159 million (62 per cent) in revenue taken in through a series of contracts and partnerships, Devin said.


    But Richard Bergeron said the data distributed are superficial and the STM should make public Transgesco’s audited financial statements, the way the private companies behind Bixi and Montreal parking meters have done.


    “We still don’t know how much Transgesco is taking in and whether taxpayers are being had,” Bergeron said. He said the figures made public indicate that either a poor job is being done generating revenue by the STM or that “10 to 12 private companies” are unduly benefiting from partnerships with the STM.


    Transgesco works with:


    Métromédia Plus is a private firm selling ads in métros and buses. Between 2003 and 2009, it took in $90 million, of which $58.2 million went to the STM. The STM said revenue should grow after billboards in métro stations are replaced with electronic ones that alternate ads; advertisers will pay more to show ads at peak times.


    CBS Outdoor is a private firm that installed bus shelters featuring advertising. Between 2003 and 2009, the shelters brought in $47 million; the STM got $21 million.


    Métrocom, a partnership with private firm Gestion Beaurival, manages commercial space in and around métro stations. Between 2003 and 2009, it took in $22 million, $19 million of which went to the STM. The STM hopes to increase revenue by encouraging more real-estate developments above stations.


    Métrovision, a partnership with Métromédia CMR Plus, operates screens in métro stations showing train times and ads. Fifteen stations have screens. By 2015, all stations are to have them. The service does not make money but should by next year, Devin said. The STM invested $1 million but the private partner finances the rest, including all required technology. The STM is to get 27.5 per cent of profits.


    © Copyright © The Montreal Gazette



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    Glad to see every station will get the MetroVision screens.

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