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Messages posté(e)s par Alexcaban

  1. We can't help it, other cities have the same problem. The thing I hate the most is the scratchitis in the metro and buses but the STM found a solution to that. They put a sort of plastic sheet over the window that can be ripped off when there is graffiti same thing for the new buses that the STM is getting, they also have cameras inside.

  2. Well ... it's a bit of a steep price for preseason, neutral grounds game. had this game featured miami or boston, perhaps more people would've wanted to pay that price to be able to see those big names up front.


    By the by, the knicks played last night in Paris, in front of 15 500 fans, versus minnesota. The raptor played their vancouver game yesterday as well, before 18 thousand + people.


    Oh another thing .. I got my ticket through evenko; it's in section 330 of the "greys" and it only cost me 9 bucks. other tickets higher up were 39$ .. there are now some 9$ tickets left, in the "blues" ... is there something wrong with section 330, that made my ticket so cheap ? i think i saw a hockey game not too far from that section in 2007; it didn't seem so bad to me ..


    Basketball court is much smaller then ice hockey rink. Also sec 330 is on an angle thats why is was 9$. I got sec 202 for 59$ because its center court and that has the best views.

  3. A major problem with the design of this building is the elevator arrangement... there are stairs up to the 3rd floor, and six elevators (IIRC), in addition to two emergency/fire staircases. The result is during a class change and etc, the lineups at the elevators is ridiculous and the delay significant. Congestion, again :D


    OMG I had to wait 20 minutes once for a F**kin elevator.

    The problem is lazy ass people who take it for one floor.:relieved:

    But over all it is a pretty attractive building

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