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Messages posté(e)s par Alexcaban

  1. They started planting trees today and there is a large letter C in front of the java u.

    I'll post a photo later on today.






    je bave d'admiration...


    Hopefully they start this summer!

  2. C'est pris du 8è étage peut-être. C'est beaucoup trop haut pour être le 4è! ;) Compare avec l'édifice du métro!


    7th floor of JMSB the 8th, 9th and 10th floor are still not opened.

  3. Confusion reigns over Montreal's long-discussed Trudeau airport-downtown train shuttle, which is supposed to also improve West Island commuter rail service.


    Feud escalates over Trudeau airport train shuttle


    Two authorities overseeing project offer completely different versions of projected link


    By ANDY RIGA, The Gazette May 7, 2010



    Confusion reigns over Montreal's long-discussed Trudeau airport-downtown train shuttle, which is supposed to also improve West Island commuter rail service.


    A behind-the-scenes feud between the two authorities overseeing the project has blown into the open, with each side using quotes from provincial ministers to back up their versions of what's happening.


    James Cherry, chief executive of Aéroports de Montréal, told the airport authority's annual meeting yesterday that ADM is moving ahead with the airport train on its own, with Central Station as the shuttle's downtown terminal


    He said the needed infrastructure will cost $600 million. Quebec announced in its recent budget that it will kick in $200 million. Ottawa is expected to match that amount, Cherry said. "In addition, with partners, (ADM) will invest (another) $200 million in private equity."


    ADM expects "all the necessary authorizations" within two years, Cherry said. Construction would take 36 months, meaning the train could be running in 2015.


    But Cherry's comments came as a surprise to the Agence métropolitaine de transport, the authority that runs commuter trains in the Montreal region and that had been working with ADM on the project.


    The AMT favours a route that, in addition to the airport, would run from Ste. Anne de Bellevue to downtown, ending at a new transit hub next to Windsor Station, part of a major new development in the works by Cadillac Fairview Corp.


    AMT spokesperson Martine Rouette said no final decision has been made on the airport shuttle or the project's commuter component. She said the committee overseeing the project - which includes the AMT, ADM and provincial and federal officials - is to meet May 14 to discuss recently completed studies.


    Rouette said the $200 million in provincial funding is contingent on improving train service from Ste. Anne de Bellevue all the way to downtown.


    In an interview, Pierre Martin, chairperson of ADM's board, said the AMT would be free to use the train infrastructure to improve service between Dorval and downtown.


    Martin said ADM is in charge of the project. As proof, he pointed to the provincial budget delivered in March, in which Finance Minister Raymond Bachand referred to ADM when he mentioned the $200 million in provincial funding. Bachand said the cash would fund "a rail link between the airport and downtown. The project will be carried out by Aéroports de Montréal."


    The AMT, for its part, pointed to a statement by Quebec Transport Minister Julie Boulet. On Wednesday, she told a National Assembly committee a final decision on the train link has not been made.


    "We want one service and that one service should go all the way to the West (Island)," Boulet said.


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