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Messages posté(e)s par Alexcaban

  1. Leftcoaster from SSP is saying that this is just Phase 1


    Sorry, don't mean to be so cryptic, but some of the information is just not meant to be released yet... don't want to lose my job just for SSP!


    The Ave des Canadiens tower project is fairly advanced, will probably go to sales Q1 2012, so information will be somewhat steady up to and past that date.


    As far as the remaining phases they are much more conceptual at this point, several architects are involved (some big names too), and a final design hasn't even been chosen yet. However if the concept that seems to be frontrunner at this point is chosen it will be a complete icon for the city, a total game changer. Even if it doesn't get chosen the other designs are pretty damn good too.


    Certainly exciting times to come.



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