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Messages posté(e)s par Alexcaban

  1. STM to beat 64-year-old record


    Ridership reaches highest levels; Public transit operator expects to hit 405 million trips on buses, métro


    Never before have Montrealers used public transit as much as they do today.


    In 2011, Société de transport de Montréal expects 405 million trips to be taken on its buses and the métro, STM president Michel Labrecque announced Tuesday.


    The 2011 estimate, extrapolated from January-to-September ridership figures, is a four-per-cent jump over 2010, more than double the 1.8 per cent the STM had expected.

    If the STM reaches 405 million trips, ridership will have jumped by almost 12 per cent (an increase of 42 million rides) since it started significantly increasing bus and métro service in 2007, thanks to extra provincial funding.


    Over the past five years, métro service has increased by 29 per cent and bus service by 22 per cent.


    Several service improvements were responsible for much of the ridership hike, the STM said:


    --On the 31 bus routes in the 10-Minute Max network created last year (buses run every 10 minutes or less), ridership increased by seven per cent (or 38,000 more trips).


    --On 14 rapid-bus routes, ridership increased by 48 per cent (15,000 more rides).


    --The 470 Express Pierrefonds saw ridership increase by 134 per cent (5,700 more rides).


    --The 427 Express St. Joseph saw a ridership increase of 65 per cent (2,200 more rides).


    --Average daily ridership on the 747 downtown Montreal-Trudeau Airport express bus in 2011 is 32 per cent higher than it was in 2010.


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