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Messages posté(e)s par Cataclaw

  1. Complèxe résidentiel pour retraités (phase 2)


    Situé sur Ch. de Chambly.


    L'espace vide entre Vieux-Longueuil et Saint-Hubert est presque non existent! Bientôt les deux arrondissements de Longueuil seront totalement contiguës. :thumbsup:








    Phase 1 et 2 ensemble:







  2. Aucun opposant au projet n'a signé le registre de la municipalité parce que personne n'était au courant de son ouverture

    Le promoteur du projet immobilier de la gare-hôtel Viger n'aura plus à s'embarrasser de la contestation citoyenne. L'ouverture d'un registre par la Ville de Montréal a été faite avec une telle discrétion cet été que les voisins n'en ont jamais eu connaissance. Résultat: le registre n'a recueilli aucune signature et le projet pourra aller de l'avant sans que les voisins ne puissent plus s'y opposer.


    La Ville de Montréal avait fait paraître un avis public le 21 août dernier dans les quotidiens Le Devoir et The Gazette afin d'informer les citoyens opposés au projet immobilier qu'un registre était ouvert pour demander la tenue d'un référendum. Or, ceux-ci n'ont jamais vu ces deux annonces. Le délai de huit jours écoulé, leurs chances de contester le projet se sont envolées.


    Score one for the home team indeed!




    On peut tu faire passer une tour de 50 etages de cette meme facon? ;)

  3. Don't flip flop on me, your last sentence was very clear, you said that cars don't have a place in the city center and now you say total road removal is absurd. Make up your mind and let me know what is your final word.


    Comments like these are self-righteous and "je pète plus haut que le trou", si c'est pas arrogant, je voudrais bien le savoir.


    What don't you understand? Alright then... If this won't be clear enough for you then i don't know what will: cars have a place in the city center, but it should be limited and not overemphasized at the expense of public transit. At the moment, the scale is tipped slightly in favor of the automobile in Montreal. I feel a 10-15% shift over to public transportation would be ideal, without compromising road transit.


    What exactly is self-righteous about my post? I'm not claiming that driving is superior to public transportation, and i'm not claiming that public transportation is superior to driving... i'm just stating that both are important.


    If you guys want to understand what is Montreal and grasp its magnitude, drive from Saint-Jérôme down to St-Jean sur le Richelieu, and from Rigaud to Mascouche.


    Maybe you'll open up your eyes about the world out there beyond le Carré St-Louis.


    (or better let someone else drive for you so you can observe better)


    I have. Both routes you just mentioned. On more than one occasion in fact.. you're accusing me of some kind of self-righteous behavior for which i can't fathom why, yet you turn around and tell us blatantly and condescendingly that we don't understand and that we need to open our eyes. Gosh.


    We can talk about this at the meet tomorrow Malek.. i'm not liking your attitude at all so perhaps we best discuss this in person.

  4. You may not agree with me, but stating that i'm completely wrong is being a tad arrogant, man.


    Surburbs are already largely self-sufficient. Also, the city center is currently growing, and is projected to continue to grow over the next 20 years minimum.


    Your personal lifestyle away from the city center doesn't mean everyone else is like you. "Hopefully i will one day understand the importance of roads" is damn condescending Malek. Shame on you. Shame on you for deleting a post yesterday that was disrespectful and now turning around as administrator of this forum and being disrespectful yourself. I expect your apology to come tomorrow in the form of a buying me a beer!


    I just spent a month in the United States. I did 10,000km on the road. I saw the importance of roads to urban structures that rely on roads. Cities like Houston with extensive highway and road networks that only encourage sprawl. Malek roads are crucial to economic development. I know this... and you insult my intelligent when you say i don't understand the importance of roads. I just spent 20 hours making a design-proposal for a new Champlain bridge!


    Roads are partly responsible for bringing people to and from the city center (alongside the train, bus, metro, etc.) I don't call for the total removal of roads - that would be absurd. I am, however, in favor of slightly reduced road infrastructure in the very city core at the expense of improved public transportation.


    Countless studies have shown that liveable pedestrian-friendly spaces supplied by public transportation networks are just as conducive to economic growth as city centres dominated by roads and cars. In fact, moreso, in most cases!


    The one point in your post i agree with you is a "lack of alternative" - if you're suggesting like i think you are that more investment in public transit is required, then i agree wholeheartedly.


    You can't have a system that relies exclusively on automobiles, and you can't have a system that relies exclusively on public transit. Both are part of the urban equation.

  5. débile... complètement débile.


    Yup, it's a great project! :highfive:


    Any project that makes a university campus more livable, more urban, and more pedestrian-friendly gets an A+.


    Pedestrians are the lifeblood of the city and i won't shed any tears for lost parking spots. As cities across the world subscribe to smart growth and transit oriented development, we will see less and less multi-lane roads in city cores and more pedestrian and bike routes.


    Don't get me wrong, roads are important, i myself am a huge advocate for completing A-30, A-25, extending A-19, etc.


    Cars just don't have a place in the city core!

  6. 3 septembre 2008


    Presque la meme angle que la photo de Gilbert! C'etait meme pas intentionel...

    On voit bien que pas grand chose de nouveau en 5 jours..






    En passant, maudit qu'il est beau le complexe Desjardins...

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