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  1. It will come with basic amenities. There is even no an indoor pool!
  2. I will make an offer if I can find something with 2 bedrooms(garage included) that's lower than half million. Otherwise, I will go with other condos.
  3. I just learnt from another post that two floors in the building have been rent to the elementary school. How about them? Those kids will move to somewhere else?
  4. It is very close to the REM station. just wonder if there are parking lots under the ground of this building.
  5. it was one building originally for sure.
  6. That is true. The original plan is one building. Now they decided to build two. Actually it will be denser! But it is still a bad change because the residents will have less green.
  7. Symphonia on south tip is growing. Evolo is shrinking.
  8. Two years ago, they talked about building a secondary school around there.
  9. Absolute truth. God bless Hong Kong! By the way, 4 = die 14 = will die 24 = easy die 34 = ?? 44 = die twice 54 = I die 514 = I will die. the worst number around world is (514)514-5144, which you can get in Quebec.
  10. Due to the anti-extradition bill, most of Hong Kong middle classes are trying to immigrant and have moved to other countries (they prefer Britain or Canada). Those middle classes must think the price of Le Sherbrooke is very reasonable in comparison with properties in Hong Kong or Vancouver, and hundreds square feet units are big enough for them. The regular units targets Hong Kong immigrants, and the penthouse targets Westmounters. what a brilliant marketing campaign!
  11. You see. they targets foreign speculators.
  12. I totally agree with you. But do you think the people who can afford over 3 millions penthouses will care about the condo fee?
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