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Messages posté(e)s par _mtler_

  1. 3 hours ago, FrancSoisD said:

    It IS strict! However, the problem is catching them in the wee hours of the morning when there are less potential witnesses to call 911, way less police patrols, and when it's also still dark (except from May till mid-Aug.)

    What do you view as strict?

  2. 4 hours ago, ToxiK said:

    Les urbanistes et les politiciens de gauche veulent du 7-8 étage max.  La population veut des maisons unifamiliales.  C'est bizarre comment la gauche veut absolument écouter la population quand elle s'oppose à des hautes tours (qui ont l'ait trop américaine ou trop capitaliste) mais qu'ils veulent ignorer cette même population quand elle demande des bungalows...

    L'échelle humaine varie d'un humain à l'autre.

    Effectivement. Tu as résumé la philosophie gauchiste. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  3. 12 minutes ago, mont royal said:

    You don’t have to agree with me that your question was loaded, insidious,  and fundamentally dishonest...which I guess is why you won’t deal with the actual subject matter. You throw out the term ‘discriminatory’ with no effort to explain why; you talk about ‘modern’ society, whatever that means...and your underlying message is very clear..but you don’t have the courage to specifically identify your real opinion, which is pretty obvious to any reader. Then you try to shut off any honest discussion with..’ Next’. 

    Where we agree is that your supposedly innocent question actually leads to the obvious answer..comparing Quebec’s rather unique situation with most other nations receiving immigrants is indeed comparing apples with oranges.

    so, if there is something that bothers you about Quebec’s language /immigration policy, just say so and why it bothers you, and we can all have a good discussion. 

    What makes you think something bothers me? The answer to my question is objective, black or white. If you want to introduce shades of gray then you can do so but it won’t be with me. I asked a simple question, not inviting a discussion.  

    • Like 2
  4. 16 hours ago, mont royal said:


    With respect I think that I did answer your question..which, let’s agree, was loaded with unsubstantiated assumptions. Next...your turn, and a more thoughtful response and explanation would be much appreciated.

    “Let’s agree” - no let’s not. I fully disagree. The other societies you mention do not have explicit discriminatory policies. You are comparing apples with oranges. You cannot answer my question and that’s ok. 

  5. 1 hour ago, mont royal said:

    Most societies don’t need official policies. If you want to live and work in Ontario or BC, it is a given that you will need English to get ahead. Also it is a given that their children will grow up speaking many cases unilingually. It could be labelled as discriminatory, but it is simply regarded as the governmental intervention needed.

    Try having a life-long career in Buenos Aires without learning to speak Spanish. Or Russian in Moscow etc.

    Quebec has to fight for its linguistic and cultural survival. So it is not too much to ask that newcomers do as they would elsewhere...Learn our language. In fact, we will help you as best we can.





    You didn’t answer my question. Nice deflection though. Next. 

    • Like 1
    • D'accord 1
  6. 22 hours ago, mtlurb said:

    Mon commentaire: Nous sommes en plein crise du logement, avec des prix explosifs... et tout ce que nos politiciens font c'est de restreindre encore plus l'offre.

    Un autre geste d'éco-blanchiment.

    Pour que cette protection soit efficace, il faut que ces zones soient contiguës ou reliés ensembles. Des îlots de verdures n'aideront pas à "sauver des écosystèmes".

    Clairement pas le cas quand on regarde la carte ci-haut.

    Et là je ne parle même pas de l'effet de "saut de crapaud", quand les gens vont juster aller construire plus loin... 

    Et nos politiciens veulent aussi accueillir plus de gens (tellement plus)... 

    The only conclusion I can draw from such illogical policies is that various levels of government want to impoverish its people in order to make them more dependent on government. There’s no other explanation. 

  7. 5 hours ago, Rocco said:

    Est-ce que Valérie est déjà passée sur la rue William en face du Duke? Est-ce normal? Que se passe-t-il dans la gestion de la voirie?


    And buddy from another thread disagreed with me by saying streets have never been better 😂. Please. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 2022-11-14 at 5:43 PM, mont royal said:

    Since you clearly don’t understand ´wokism’, let me assure you that the progressives in our society do not believe that ´fat is beautiful’ nor that obesity has any social value. It is definitely the conservative thinkers who stand aside and defend anybody’s right to overeat themselves to an early grave. 

    The wokest response one could come up with. Thanks for the good laugh. 

  9. 8 hours ago, Rocco said:

    Ça fait pitié. Les gens mangent n'importe quoi et restent écrasés dans leur divan. Au rythme où ça va dans 20 ans 50% de la population sera obèse. Regardez Terre-Neuve! Ahurissant.

    Screenshot_20221114-000546_La Presse.jpg

    Screenshot_20221114-000552_La Presse.jpg


    We’re now seeing the negative impacts of the overreaching COVID measures. Obesity on the rise and higher failure rates in school, with increasing mental health issues exacerbating obesity and education. Lock people up for two years and long term impacts will last generations. All of this long term pain for short term political gain. 

  10. 1 hour ago, mtlurb said:

    je me demande si c'était pas nettoyé avant de filmer... c'est trop propre pour être vrai lol

    J'ai fait le métro de NYC il y a quelque semaines, et c'est une catastrophe de laideur et de saleté..... je voulais pas le prendre, ma raison c'est le crime et les meurtres.... mes amis m'ont convaincus. (sorry je sonne princesse)

    Le lendemain ont a appris que quelqu'un s'est fait pousser pour aucune raison sur les rails de manière gratuite :(

    Same here. I prefer to Uber in traffic than take unsafe/unsanitary public transit. 

    • D'accord 1
  11. On 2022-11-02 at 5:31 PM, Rocco said:

    Plusieurs édifices majeurs ont toppé ces dernières semaines. Il en reste encore, mais de moins en moins. Its drying up comme qu'on dit. Voici une liste des édifices de 20 étages et + qui ne sont pas encore toppés. Les édifices plus bas n'étant pas vraiment important, donc hors liste.... 😁

    20 étages et+ SEULEMENT


    - Maestria 2: 61 étages

    - Centra: 45 étages

    - MAA: 35 étages

    - Impéria: 22 étages


    - 900 St-Jacques: 63 étages

    - 1 Sq Phillips: 61 étages

    - Le Sherbrooke: 25 étages

    - Wellington sur le Bassin: 25 étages

    - Styrling: 22 étages

    - Bass 5: 20 étages

    J'en oublie? Maintenant, quels sont les projets 20 étages+ à venir dans le pipeline? 🫣

    Je toppe

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