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Le Roach

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Messages posté(e)s par Le Roach

  1. Ça va être intrigant à suivre. Les Rowdies de M. Sternberg et le CFMTl, jadis l’Impact de Mtl, se côtoient depuis au moins 5 ans, l’équipe utilisant le Stade Al Lang at St Pete’s  et jouant dans un tournoi pré saison hoster par les Rowdies. Alors pas fou de croire qu’il pourrait avoir quelques synergies baseball/foot entre les proprios. Aussi, M. Saputo n’est pas propriétaires, mais locataires du Stade Saputo, et qu’il est en chicane avec la ville de Mtl sur le fait qu’il verrait son compte de taxes monter s’il apportait des améliorations, par ex hivernisation, au S.S. pour le rendre plus utile. Il faut qu’il suive la parade en MLS, plusieurs nouveaux stade aux É.-U.





  2. Selon Jeremy Filosa, sur son podcast IMFC radio hier soir, il y aurait une possibilité que le projet de stade de baseball de MTL se transforme en projet de stade pouvant aussi accueillir du foot (soccer) si Joey Saputo, proprietaire du CF Montreal,  contacte les bonnes personnes

    Selon les dires du propriétaire des Rays a Tampa Bay, son nouveau stade a Tampa Bay, serait capable d’accueillir et le baseball, et se transformer en stade de foot pour son équipe les Rowdies qu’il espère rentrer en MLS. Il y a un précédent au Japon, le Sapporo Dome, vous pouvez visionner la transformation sur ce lien Youtube.


    Serait le fun de faire un doubleheader  #CFMTL vs #TFC suivi des X-Rays vs Jays ?

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  3. il y a 20 minutes, Chris1989 a dit :

    One of Montreal's lesser-known gems, and the oldest building built specifically to be a museum in Canada: Redpath (1882) 


    We did this one as well as point a callieres in the same weekend. Loved the line about the Redpath belonging in a museum. Very much enjoyed the Égyptienne disolays especially the mummies. 2.5 hours well spent for sure!

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  4. il y a 52 minutes, SameGuy a dit :

    It’s really hard to get good shots of this one without parking 2 km away and walking down a narrow, unprotected stretch of Ch. Ste-Marie that has no sidewalk.

    I can’t wait to see what it’ll be like here when a steady stream of exo (CIT Presqu’île) buses come to the station every rush hour! 🤞🏼 they anticipated this, and plans are being readied to widen and modernize the road. Sidewalks, proper drainage, and a protected bike path are all needed here, along with a ped/bike bridge over the A40 from an extension of Fining Avenue in the Baie-d’Urfé industrial park.

    I thought the same thing when i drove down to the site, small country road and to think there will be buses and lots more traffic... better modernize it to handle the volume! There was a  little room between the main access gate and the road for me to park and take picks, dangerous though since the cars were barreling down the road and very close to me. 

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  5. Il y a 1 heure, Chris1989 a dit :

    Visiting Montreal's birthplace


    We finally visited the site in 2019, and were not disapointed. Much bigger than outer bldg indicates. Did not think i would be especially interested in a "local" museum, but was very, happily surprised about how much there was to see, and how much it captivated my, and family's, attention. Very much a must see for anyone visiting Mtl, so that they can gain a thorough understanding of the city's history. 

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  6. Il y a 1 heure, Chris1989 a dit :

    Been collecting footage for nearly a year to make this one happen. I also spent extra time on the sound mixing, hope it's more discernible this time. One of my favourite things is taking visitors to the Plateau just to see their reaction :)


    My go to borough on esch visit to Mtl  Well done Chris.

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