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Le Roach

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Messages posté(e)s par Le Roach

  1. Great post Peekay. One would hope the local rag would have civic boosters on staff. Mtl's boom is also going on here in Ottawa (LRT phase 1, massive parliamentary district renos., Zibi and soon Lebreton Flats development), so I can relate to the buzz. Just so glad to see the stars align for Mtl. I never gave up on the city, despite the dreary atmosphere surrounding it for so many decades, and now (fingers crossed), it can come into the 21st century having shaken off the rust, and take its rightful place as a solid Canadian and International métropole. I look forward to my strolls through the city to look at the works in progress and envision the final product.

  2. Belle photo Memphis. J'étais en ville le 23 et passé la nuit au Marriott. Ma chambre était directement au-dessus du site de construction, mais malheureusement, les fenêtres étaient sales, je ne pouvais pas obtenir des photos de qualité. Heureusement les vôtres sont beaucoup plus agréable.

  3. Well hopefully Mtl. has more nicknamed bldgs. going up, when you look at London's buildings they are architecturally significant e.g. helter skelter, walkie talkie, can of ham etc.. So the USB and Cheesegrater are welcome distractions to the boring and safe.

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