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orages lointains

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Messages posté(e)s par orages lointains

  1. C'est ce qui m'a toujours frappé quand on voyage à l'extérieur, Montréal manque tellement de couleur, elle est grise comme une pierre tombale. Elle devrait s'inspirer de Miami, Chicago, New York.


    the mayor of tirana, albania tackled this with some success. here's spacing on it: A lesson we need to learn from Albania - Spacing Montreal


    also: Painting the Town: Part 2 - Buildings | International Making Cities Livable

  2. did they build interior parking here?


    on the second building, here's something to think about.


    55 units remaining in tower 1:

    6 are available on floors 1-2.

    6 are available on floors 3-16.

    43 are available on floors 17-25.

    only 7/32 on floors 21-25 have sold.


    that's a lot to carry over.


    if they're going ahead with the second tower, one imagines that the unit mix might be retouched slightly to offer smaller units at lower prices.

  3. wow, return to this? it's a shame, i loved the cross design.



    This is what we saw as the original plan for the site. Now this is awesome,modern and a real showpiece. That new one reminds me of the Mt-stephen Hotel with the odd and uneven window sizes. Man oh man I hope somebody deepsixes this shitty project and gets inspired by the first proposal!!!







  4. Sorry, THAT'S the presentation for a $40 million project? Are you kidding me? One that's only supposed to last for a decade?


    This 375th anniversary is becoming very typically Montreal: a case study in excess spending for minimal returns.


    well, it's only being supported for a decade, i'm sure when it's over, it'll probably stay up. and almost all of that 40 million came from the feds, pretty much at harper's urging as he was trying to win montreal island seats. some part came from coderre, i think it was 7 million, but 7 million over 10 years is a great deal if we decide we want this. same with the jaume plensa piece. 500,000 is a great deal for a giant, iconic piece of art by a world class sculpture. the stumps is dumb, but logical - if you want a branded, permanent open seating area, they're not a bad way to go.

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